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Commissioner Yuhasz said that regardless of the philosophy, the trash has to be <br /> collected and taken to a central location. <br /> Michael Talbert made reference to page 7 and the Sportsplex. This funding includes <br /> what is needed to keep this facility in good working order. It is thriving and doing well. It <br /> makes sense to reinvest in this facility without general fund contribution. <br /> Page 8 was the Schools Capital summary. Both school systems are listed separately <br /> with the long-range capital. There are several uncertainties as far as schools with the General <br /> Assembly. There is a $760 million hole that they are looking to plug and there are lots of <br /> ideas, including reducing teachers and increasing class size, having only one administrative <br /> unit per County, and others. <br /> Regarding Elementary School #11, the recommendation is that in year one to <br /> deconstruct the existing facility and clean up the site. In year two, the facility will be built. <br /> The other large project is for OCS in year four, which is an auxiliary gym for Cedar <br /> Ridge High School. This has been requested for a number of years. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the auxiliary gym and if this number would be <br /> less and Michael Talbert said yes, this number is inflated because it was from a few years ago. <br /> Michael Talbert made reference to the auxiliary schedule at the back on page 63. <br /> There was a list of active County capital projects. He said that this shows the status of each <br /> project and the terms of expected completed dates. If the project has financial activity within <br /> the fiscal year, it has to be open for the entire year. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the money spent for at the Northern Human <br /> Services Center and Michael Talbert said that it was originally for the sewer system. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that it should be at the forefront that all buildings should be <br /> handicapped accessible. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Clarence Grier said that having these policies adopted will keep the bond ratings and <br /> the payments low. This is why he brought this forward for approval. He asked that they be <br /> approved by the April 5th meeting. <br /> Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br /> David Hunt <br /> Deputy Clerk to the Board <br />