Minutes 03-15-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 03-15-2011
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Last modified
11/25/2015 2:45:26 PM
Creation date
5/4/2011 8:28:12 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 03-15-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 03-15-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 03-15-2011
ORD-2011-011 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Amendment #8
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
ORD-2011-012 Budget Ordinance Amendment #8 for 911 Computer Aided Dispatch Enhancement
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-005 Resolution Amending the 2001 Water & Sewer Boundary Agreement
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-023 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Release/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-024 Resolution for Property Tax Release/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-026 Resolution Providing Comments to NC Dept. of Transportation Regarding Draft 2011–2020 State Transportation Improvement Program
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-027 Resolution Providing Comments to DCHC Transportation Advisory Committee Regarding Draft 2012-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-028 Resolution in Opposition to Senate Bill 8 - No Cap on Number of Charter Schools - in its Current Form
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
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Fall 2011 NCDOT adopts final STIP <br /> Craig Benedict said that based on the February 24th meeting with the Town of <br /> Hillsborough, there was urgency in moving forward some of the interstate projects in an <br /> organized and accelerated manner to open up some economic development opportunities <br /> along the interchange areas. <br /> Commissioner Foushee made reference to page 5, Attachment 1, the TIP project <br /> related to sidewalks and asked how many miles this would be. Craig Benedict said that it is <br /> probably about %2 mile. This is Orange Grove Road. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the strategic prioritization process. She said <br /> that the County Commissioners need to understand this better because it can affect the <br /> allocation of funds. There are three tiers: statewide (e.g. interstates), regional (e.g. NC 54, <br /> etc.), and sub-regional. There will be a presentation at an upcoming TAC meeting because <br /> how the projects are categorized can affect the funding of the projects. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 2 of the CIP and Mattress Factory <br /> Road. He asked if this was something that was being done in consultation with Mebane <br /> because it was not on the list before. Craig Benedict said yes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the priority of Buckhorn Road as a key to the <br /> economic development. Craig Benedict said that it was a higher priority in the RPO (Rural <br /> Planning Organization). Karen Lincoln said that it was not on the MPO's list because the list is <br /> based on the previous priority list. This process can be started again and then there will be <br /> more information on the priority list. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the comments that Orange County should make <br /> going forward is that if something was a high priority in an RPO area that is not absorbed into <br /> the MPO, that it be given special consideration. This will not help in developing the economic <br /> development district. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 3 and the whole issue of I-40. He said <br /> that it seems that if the MPO is committed to this ahead of I-85 and it is in Orange County, that <br /> it ought to be one of the priorities. He thinks that this should be embraced as a priority and <br /> have both phases done simultaneously. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the comments will be logged and presented. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like an update on the bicycle plan as soon as <br /> possible. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 6 and the widening of I-85. He pointed <br /> out that these suggestions, including working with the NCDOT staff biologist, are partially in <br /> response to the fact that DOT totally ignored these issues when it built the Efland interchange. <br /> He asked if it was possible to look at the possibility of an exit at Lawrence Road because it <br /> would not involve building another major road and would provide a bypass of downtown <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the acceleration of improvements to I-85/US 70 <br /> interchange might make it a more reasonable alternative to promote an eastern bypass. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to item 1 on page 4. She said that she understood the <br /> OUT Board looked at this. She read, "many of Orange County's top priorities are <br /> bicycle/pedestrian projects." She asked how that would affect DOT's perception of Orange <br /> County's other projects that are not bicycle and pedestrian. <br /> Karen Lincoln said that there has always been language in there supporting multi- <br /> modal funding. She said that she could strike that last sentence. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested language reflecting "multi-modal" so that it is not <br /> concentrated just on bicycle and pedestrian. <br />
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