Orange County NC Website
INTERLINE <br />iL 011 (07 09) <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />AMENDED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION PROVIDED BY US <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM <br />BUSINESS AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE FORM <br />BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM <br />COMMERCIAL CRIME COVERAGE FORM ~;,.,,y~ <br />t~ MMER L GENERAL L A~ILIIY COVERAGE PART <br />COMN~~IAND MARINE COVERAGE PART <br />COMMERCIAL LIABILITY UMBRELLA COVERAGE FORM <br />COMMERCIAL OUTPUT POLICY <br />COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE PART <br />FARM COVERAGE PART <br />FARM UMBRELLA COVERAGE FORM <br />GARAGE COVERAGE FORM <br />LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL COVERAGE PART <br />PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE FART <br />SCHEDULE <br />A. Number of Days' Notice: 34 <br />B. Person(s) or Organization Name and Address: <br />Orange County <br />Attn: Jeffery Thompson <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(tf no entry appears above, information required to complete this Schedule will be shown in the Declarations as <br />applicable to the endorsement.} <br />For any statutorily permitted reason other #han nonpayment of premium, the number of days required for notice of <br />cancellation to the first Named Insured, as provided in Paragraph 2. of either the Cancellation Common Policy <br />Condition or as amended by an applicable state cancellation endorsement, is increased to the number of days <br />shown in Item A. in the Schedule above. <br />When a person or organization is listed in item B. in the Schedule above, the num ber of days notice in item A. <br />also applies to the person(s) or organization listed in the schedule. <br />IL 011 (07 49) inGudes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 1 <br />Copyright 2008 FCCI Insurance Group. <br />