Orange County NC Website
v) To provide available Department services as requested by the Service <br />Coordinator including but not limited to department resources, benefits, <br />case management and counseling services. <br />vi) To coordinate other community services, not directly provided by the <br />Department on Aging, to meet the residents' individualized needs. <br />vii) To coordinate quarterly presentations on community information, health, <br />and senior resources. <br />viii) To maintain and distribute a monthly activity calendar, including activities <br />planned by the service coordinator, the Department on Aging, and the <br />residents themselves. <br />ix) To meet with the Board of Directors of First Baptist and Manley Estates <br />when requested by either the Department or the Housing Complex to <br />discuss service coordination. <br />x) To provide information and training for the Service Coordinator, regarding <br />community resources and aging services. <br />The Services to be rendered by the Housing Complex pursuant to this Agree <br />a ollows: <br />i) To provide a p ' ffice, includ' esk, appropriate desk chair, a <br />visitor chair, a telepho n answering machine, a locking file <br />cabinet, and office supplies. <br />To provide convenient access to a computer, copier, and fax <br />4. Duration of Services <br />a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2011. to June 30, 2012. <br />b. Scheduling of Services. <br />i) The Department shall schedule and perform activities in a timely manner. <br />ii) The Commencement Date for the Basic Services shall be July 1, 201 1. <br />5. Compensation <br />a. Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br />compensation due the County from the Housing Complex for all services under this <br />Agreement. The Housing Complex shall provide County with a monthly payment based <br />on the HUD approved amount for service coordination of seven-thousand, two-hundred <br />dollars per year (based upon $12.OOper/resident/month). The County shall provide a <br />quarterly invoice to Housing Complex for payment of Basic Services. Basic Services <br />payments shall become due and payable within thirty (30) days of Department properly <br />invoicing Housing Complex. Payment shall be subject to provisions of Section 5(b). <br />Revised July 2010 <br />3 <br />