Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Page 3 of 5 Robert Childs, MPH <br />*5105-8106 Coordinator of the Healthy Relationships Program: Supervised the Diffusion <br />of Effective Behavioral Intervention ~DEBI} Healthy Relationships Healthy Relationships <br />is afive-session, small-group intervention for men and women living with HIVIAIDS.}. <br />5105-8106 Comprehensive Individual Risk Reduction Counselor ~G1RRC} & Test <br />Counselor: Provided CIRRG, and professional risk reduction counseling over a period of <br />~~ sessions for HIV positive individuals and their partners. Performed HIVISTD test <br />counseling and referral. <br />5105-8105 Health Educator & Additional Duties: Provided individual and group <br />interventions; performed PCRS partner counseling and referral services} for persons <br />who tested positive for HIV and STIa€TMs; networked with target community <br />organizations; conducted street outreach; prepared reports of interventions for GDC and <br />State Monitors; and supervised outreach workers, volunteers and co-managed the <br />testing clinic for Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV. Created, facilitated and <br />evaluated the state of New Hampshirea€TMs first ongoing support group for HIV+ <br />women. Networked with the community on building alternative transportation for HIV+ <br />clients through the utilization of bicycling and buses. <br />Seacoast Mental Health ~SMH}, Exeter, NH <br />*8104-5105 Social Worker: Worked on a team as a social worker for adults with severe <br />and persistent mental illnesses, providing them with strength based ~ recovery focused <br />case management. Additional responsibilities included assessment, alcohol and drug <br />counseling and referral, individual and group treatmentwork, crisis management, fighting <br />homelessness, medical benefits management, networking with other agencies, initiating <br />transportation alternatives through starting a bike exchange program and nutritional <br />support. <br />Cascadia Behavioral Health, Portland, CR <br />~910~-6104 ACT Mental Health Clinician: Worked an an Assertive Community Treatment <br />Model as a Clinician, providing intensive case management services with an outreach <br />and community integration focus to Portlanda€TMs highest hospital utilizers with chronic <br />mental illness. Responsibilities included outreach case management, crisis <br />management, on-call and pager duties, intensive work in local jails & hospitals & other <br />county agencies to meet client needs, providing alcohol and drug counseling, referrals, <br />STD and HIV counseling, housing, & assisting cluster B simplex clients. <br />*610~-910 Case Manager & Skills Trainer: Provided recovery-oriented skills training & <br />case management to adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses, some with co- <br />occurring substance abuse issues. <br />Luke-Dorf Mental Health, Tigard, GR <br />~~210~-610 Gase Manager & Horticultural Therapist: Worked on a team as a case <br />manager to adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses, providing them with <br />strength based & recovery focused case management. Responsibilities included <br />assessment, individual and group treatment work, crisis management, and networking <br />with other agencies. Developed the first horticultural therapy program in the agency and <br />an alternative transportation alliance equipping 15% of clients with bicycles. <br />Roosevelt High School, Portland, OR~~ <br />