Orange County NC Website
<br />Page ~ of 2 <br />Katherine Daom <br />variety of events for the student body. [was also a representative for two years while at <br />Guilford to the Student Senate. !expect to go back to school for a masters in public <br />administration in the next few years. <br />ether Comments. <br />1 bought my home in November2g47 at the age of 24 and have been settling in since. <br />['m a young professional love Hillsborough and now that [ am in good health, ['m looking <br />to volunteer my time and expertise to the town and my neighbors. l have a passion for <br />animals and am an expert organizer and planner in any field. I adopted one canine family <br />memberfrom apound when l was living in Florida and adopted two canine family <br />members from local fosterfamilies. STAFF COMMENTS: Gr'~ginally applied farAnimal <br />Services Advisory Board, Affordable Housing Advisory Board, and Hillsborough Planning <br />Board g21~41~0~ ~ . ADDRESS JURISDICTION: 5~ 9 Forrest St. is in Hillsborough <br />Jurisdiction, H illsborough Township. <br />This application was current an: 2114120117:55:34 PM Date Printed: 4114/2011 <br />