Orange County NC Website
Page 1 of 2 <br />7 <br />Jeanette Jones <br />From: Catherine Wilson [CWilson <br />Sent; Wednesday, April 2Q, ~0~ ~ X0:45 AM <br />To: Donna Baker <br />Cc: Jeanette Jones; prestonscottphillips a~yahao.corn <br />Subject: Appointment to CC Human Relations Commission <br />Dear Donna, <br />Last night, the Board of Aldermen approved the following resolution: <br />The following resolution was introduced by Alderman Gist and duly seconded by Alderman Broun: <br />A RESGLUTIGN RECGMMENDING AN APPGINTMENT TG THE GRANGE CGUNTY <br />HUMAN RELATIGNS CGMMISSIGN <br />Resolution No.1o61Z010~11 <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Carrboro has two seats on the grange County Human Relations Commission; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, one of these seats is currently vacant; and <br />WHEREAS, Preston Phillips has submitted an application expressing interest in serving as a Carrboro <br />representative an the grange County Human Relations Commission. <br />NaW, THEREFGRE, THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN GF CARRB~Ra HEREBY <br />RESaLVES: <br />Section 1. The Board of Aldermen hereby recommends that the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners appoint Preston Phillips as a Carrboro representative on the Orange County Human <br />Relations Commission. <br />Section 2, This resolution shall become effective upon adoption, <br />The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote received the following vote and was duly <br />adopted this 19th day of Apri12~11; <br />4/20/2011 <br />