Orange County NC Website
DES-doll-o~}~ <br />oRANGEC~IJNTY BGARD~F CGI~IMISSIONERS <br />RES4LUTloN <br />Approval of Agricultural Conservation Easement between <br />orange County <br />and the <br />Sykes Family Limited Partnership <br />4 <br />WHEREAS, agriculture in grange County is an important facet of the economy and time <br />honored way of life in the County; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has an adopted goal promoting the preservation of farmland in <br />the County; and <br />WHEREAS, one component of the Lands Legacy Program is the acquisition of conservation <br />easements on prime farmland within water supply watersheds; and <br />WHEREAS, the Sykes dairy farm includes approximately ~ 60 acres in the Cane Creek <br />protected watershed, consists entirely of prime agricultural soils, and is located in an <br />agricultural community with good access to farm markets; and <br />WHEREAS, orange County intends to accept an agricultural conservation easement that <br />would help to conserve the natural and scenic values ofthis farmland; and <br />WHEREAS, a matching grant was awarded to orange County from the federal Farm and <br />Ranch Land Protection Program to help purchase the conservation easement; and <br />WHEREAS, a conservation easement on this ~ 60 acres would ensure the preservation of <br />this farmland for future generations and help to compensate the owners for this long-term <br />commitment; <br />NoW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that the grange County Board of Commissioners <br />does hereby 1 } accept on behalf of grange County the agricultural conservation easement to <br />protect prime farmland owned by Sykes Family Limited Partnership; 2} approve the execution <br />of this conservation easement agreement with Sykes Family Limited Partnership, in <br />accordance with the terms of the proposed easement agreement, subject to final review by <br />staff and the County Attorney; 3} authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the easement <br />agreement on behalf of the Board, with a closing to occur on or about June 30, 20~ ; and 4} <br />authorize County staff to sign any and all closing documents upon consultation with the <br />County Attorney. <br />This the 3rd day of May, 20~ ~. <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br />grange County Board of Commissioners <br />Donna Baker, Clerkto the Board <br />