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should be approved before the school system has proper plans and funding in place to serve the <br />educational needs of additional students. The Sheriff's Department was properly questioned as to <br />their capabilities and possible expansion due to the new subdivision. He asked why the school <br />system was not similarly questioned. His basic concern has to do with the lack of facilities to serve <br />the children in this subdivision. Also, the secondary issue for him is the lack of sidewalks and bike <br />paths. <br />Mr. George Krichbaum was asked if he wanted to speak and he commented that he did <br />not intend to speak unless he could provide answers to specific questions. <br />Suzette Andrews came forward and was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Kathy Baker. <br />ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR PLANNING BOARD <br />S.A.M. Brooks commented that there are some things that are beyond the purview of the <br />Planning Board as well as the County Commissioners. One of these is the ramification of the school <br />issue. If you had 87 individual lots in different areas of Orange County, and if they were single family <br />homes where you would expect them to have children, would you also say those individual homes <br />should be denied? <br />Elizabeth Walters asked staff what size home it takes in Orange County to pay for itself in <br />terms of County services. <br />Planner Lincoln stated that she could not specifically answer the question asked by Ms. <br />Walters. However, in the past, a development model was created which showed the intensity of <br />development, which would require specific public services. That model indicated that if this project is <br />built as proposed and if it started in 1999, that by 2002 the County would be spending more for public <br />services than the development would generate in taxes. <br />Elizabeth Walters asked for this information to be provided to the Planning Board at their <br />next meeting. <br />Suzette Andrews stated that she is a lifelong resident of Orange County and that there <br />have been transportation issues and overcrowding in the schools as long as she can remember. She <br />asked what was the exceptional factor about this subdivision that makes it different from other <br />recently approved subdivisions. It does not create problems with the schools or traffic flow. She has <br />reviewed the development plans and it seems that they have complied with what was expected. The <br />Comprehensive Plan was written by the county and it has been adhered to by this developer. She <br />asked if the Comprehensive Plan and transition areas are going to be changed or are we going to <br />move forward with the development. She stated that she is very involved in real estate sales in the <br />area. Everyday she encounters people who are trying to purchase a home and who are trapped in a <br />rental market. In her opinion, the biggest factor that this developer is dealing with is that he is coming <br />forth with an affordable housing community. She has seen $200,000 housing communities approved <br />and this concerns her. The fabric of our community is made up of teachers, law enforcement officers, <br />and young people and they cannot start in the $150,000+ price range. She asked the Board of <br />Commissioners to consider that there is either a move up or a move down market, or there is no <br />market. When we think about housing and values, we need to realize that if we all live in the same <br />type of houses, eventually we will reach a point where there are no buyers or sellers. <br />Chair Gordon asked if since the answers to the traffic impact questions had not been <br />received from the Department of Transportation, does it make sense to hold the rezoning part of the <br />hearing open or should it be closed. <br />Q:119990221d.c