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be adopted tonight and be referred for regional planning. <br />County Attorney Gledhill indicated that this plan needs to be referred to the Planning Board <br />because this is a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the law requires that the Planning Board <br />review the proposal after this Public Hearing. <br />Chris van Hasselt, Chair of the Bicycle Plan Component Task Force, spoke in support of this <br />proposed plan. He stated that many of these improvements are needed immediately. Unfortunately, it <br />will be years before some of these bike lanes and routes are completed. The demand will only <br />continue to increase. He mentioned that many of the concerns expressed on items heard earlier at <br />this meeting were about the negative effects of increased traffic. Bicycles are not "the" answer to that <br />problem, but they are one of the components to an answer. Putting some of these proposals in place <br />as soon as possible is the first step to reducing traffic by offering a safe alternative means of <br />transportation. After being approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the proposal must then <br />be considered for inclusion in the Regional Transportation Plan. Many of the improvements would not <br />be implemented for some time even if they were approved immediately. The demand will only <br />increase with time. <br />Planner McCalip indicated that the first draft of the Regional Transportation Plan is scheduled <br />for initial review in May of 1999. It would give this plan greater standing if it were presented as an <br />adopted plan. <br />Commissioner Jacobs questioned the notion that the best north/south routes should be based <br />solely on the best commuter routes. He observed more bicycling on Old Hwy 86 which seems to be <br />the main recreational route; however it is a secondary priority in this plan. He asked that verbal <br />descriptions of the routes be included along with the maps and that a designation other than numbers <br />be used for the secondary routes. <br />Planner McCalip commented that if new Hwy 86 were a safer route more of the cyclists would <br />use that route rather that Old Hwy 86. He also mentioned that many of the long-term commuters are <br />now driving because it has become so dangerous. <br />Commissioner Gordon mentioned that one of the items which was discussed earlier in this <br />meeting was a transportation initiative to be introduced to the Legislature on a statewide basis. This <br />initiative includes planning for rail stations in Orange County and funding more bike lanes. <br />Commissioner Brown mentioned that the process may seem slow and frustrating to those <br />citizens who worked on this plan. However, it is a visionary plan they have produced. She <br />congratulated them on their work. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown to refer the <br />proposed Amendment to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of <br />Commissioners no later than May 4, 1999. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />E. ADJOURNMENT <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to adjourn the <br />meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be held on <br />Wednesday, March 3, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Courtroom, new County <br />Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />Q:119990221d.c