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Chair Gordon mentioned that Attorney Gledhill went through the list from the last Board of <br />County Commissioners meeting and added his recommendation for each item. She asked about <br />Page 5 Item #5 Local Government Exemption from State sales taxes and Page 6, Item #7 Local <br />Government Exemption from State sales taxes. <br />Attorney Gledhill stated that he was recommending that this not be included in the <br />legislative package at this time. He stated that approval to request enabling legislation be adopted <br />February 16th for the first 3 items listed in his February 19, 1999 letter. He also recommended that <br />items 1 through 4 on page 2 of that same letter be included on this list as well. <br />In response to a question from Commissioner Carey regarding Page 3, Item #2 - <br />Authority to levy a 1 cent sales tax to be allocated to capital projects and to include or not a <br />tax on food items. Attorney Gledhill stated that he is not recommending inclusion of the item which <br />would put a tax on food items. <br />By consensus the Board decided not to include a tax on food items. <br />Commissioner Carey referred to Page 5, Item #7 - Increased Medicare reimbursements <br />for EMS bills. He asked if the state would recommend that action to the federal government. <br />County Manager Link stated that it needed to be a statewide initiative. The legislature would need to <br />take this action. <br />Commissioner Carey referred to Page 4, Item #4 - deferral of accrued taxes when <br />agricultural property changes hands from farmer to farmer. He asked that this item be included <br />on the list of items for the public hearing. There was consensus on the Board that this item would be <br />included on the list of items to go to Public Hearing. He also stated that he would like to see Orange <br />County introduce this item. <br />Commissioner Brown commented that on Page 4, Items #5, #6 and #7, which refer to <br />agricultural districts, needs to be looked at in more detail. In particular, the effect on the property tax <br />rate should be researched. She wanted to be assured that they would not be presented at public <br />hearing at this time. Attorney Gledhill stated that these items were not being recommended at this <br />time. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about study commissions. He referred to Page 6, Item #4 <br />and indicated that he would like the Department of Transportation Reform issue to be referred to a <br />study commission. He asked how that could be accomplished. <br />Attorney Gledhill stated that study commission bills must be introduced by April 14th which <br />means that the Legislative Delegation would need to receive the request by April 7th. If there is a <br />consensus on the Board it could be added to the resolution to ask our Legislators to support the <br />Department of Transportation Reform bill by sending it to a Legislative Study Commission. <br />Commissioner Jacobs indicated that he wanted to make some specific comments that <br />would make it clear what is being suggested. He said he would write out his thoughts on this prior to <br />the public hearing. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to follow up on this suggestion. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to <br />establish the public hearing date of March 3, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. for the Orange County Local <br />Legislative Package to be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough. <br />Q:119990221d.c