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Jim Parker indicated that he did not know who owned the property. He believed that it was <br />located just off of the property involved in this proposed amendment. If it turns out to be located on <br />this property it would be preserved. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: <br />Ted Laws, a local resident, spoke in opposition to this request. He mentioned that as a <br />business person he had mixed feelings about development and growth. He was concerned about the <br />concept of putting more people on less land. He is the Chairman of the Grounds Committee at Mars <br />Hill Baptist Church. They have discussed this and are concerned about increasing the density of this <br />area. He mentioned that the Quaker cemetery is on Betty Harris' property. <br />Dr. Weng, an adjoining property owner, spoke in support of this proposal. He owns <br />property that was zoned 10-year transitional many years ago. He does not have the money to pay for <br />the water and sewer. He felt that this would be a good time for the County Commissioners to think <br />about creating a planned development. He commented that growth is inevitable and he hopes that <br />well planned growth can be encouraged. He asked the County Commissioners to approve this <br />request. <br />Susan Dovenbarger, Orange County School Board member, indicated that this site was <br />selected by the Orange County School Board as the location for the new elementary school. <br />Approximately one and 1/2 years ago the School Board appointed a committee to identify sites for a <br />new elementary school. This group met and identified possible sites. They identified the number of <br />students living in the northern and western portions of the County and determined that there are <br />significant numbers of students coming from north of Highway 70. She mentioned that there are <br />currently students who have two hour bus rides from the farthest reaches of the northern and western <br />quadrants. The committee looked at GIS maps to look at the size of available parcels outside of <br />watersheds and other restricted areas. They used Planning Department information to identify where <br />building permits had been issued. They found that a significant number of the building permits were <br />being issued in the western and northern portion of the County. They looked at sites that would afford <br />optimal opportunity to collocate school and recreational facilities. The property in question is in <br />pristine condition with many hardwoods and even a small creek. These would provide recreational <br />opportunities as well as educational benefits. The biggest limiting factor that the Orange County <br />School Board faces in siting any school is its proximity to water and sewer lines. This site does have <br />a six inch water line adjacent to the property which would need to be upgraded. The owner of the <br />property has been most cooperative. She mentioned that those working on this project agree that <br />there would be severe consequences if this project was thrown off course. She mentioned that one <br />concern in this process was that they were unaware until Friday that the staff recommendation for this <br />request for the land use change would be to deny the request.. She stated that they had been led to <br />believe that the planning staff would recommend approval. She asked that the Board of <br />Commissioners approve this request. <br />Ray DeBruhl, the facilities consultant to the Board of Education, stated that he was <br />responsible for assisting the School Board in managing the delivery of an elementary school by <br />August, 2000. He mentioned that the owner of the property, Michael Edwards, owns a jewelry store in <br />Cary. Prior to developing a school site Mr. DeBruhl looks 25 to 40 years into the future to try to <br />visualize where schools need to be located. One issue they consider is transportation. He mentioned <br />that Hillsborough's water and sewer plans were also considered. He surmised that the residential <br />growth that is going to occur would be east of Highway 86. This site would greatly reduce the cost of <br />transportation for those students in the northern and western areas of the County. He mentioned that <br />this site is located within the network of roads in such a way as to facilitate the transportation of <br />Q:119990221d.c