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Mr. Parker stated that they know there are historical sites located on, or near, this site. <br />They are aware of the need to buffer those sites from future development. The extension of public <br />water and sewer utilities would be necessary for the development of a school and would then be <br />available to serve this site. <br />Tony Whitaker, President of Civil Consultants, stated that he had been hired by the <br />Orange County Board of Education to design and provide construction review services for the off-site <br />water lines and sewer lines to serve the new elementary school which is to be located in the southern <br />portion of the site. He mentioned that one of the points that has been introduced about the 10-Year <br />Transition Area characteristics is that the area has, or will have, access to public water and sewer <br />lines. He stated that this site does meet that criterion by virtue of the proposed extension of water and <br />sewer lines for the school. He mentioned that they have worked with the Town of Hillsborough and <br />they have designed a plan that conforms to the Town's Master Plan and exceeds their minimum <br />requirements. They have received the Town's preliminary approval of the concept plan and have <br />noted in their application to Orange County that the Town of Hillsborough has not approved the water <br />and sewer extension agreement but they have made significant progress in those negotiations. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR THE <br />PLANNING BOARD: <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that the Town of Hillsborough already has a water line that <br />runs to Mars Hill Baptist Church. <br />Mr. Whitaker indicated that there was a water line extended to Mars Hills approximately <br />five years ago. In response to a question, he indicated that the Town did not need the approval of <br />Orange County to run that line because it is a line maintained by the Town. He mentioned that the <br />Town is very pleased with the concept behind this design for this school site because there is a water <br />quality concern for both established residents and the Mars Hill Baptist Church. The water and sewer <br />lines will resolve some of that water quality problem and will provide a public utility service to some <br />properties that have been constrained in their development potential. One of the reasons they have <br />been constrained has been the non-availability of water and sewer lines. Highway 57 currently has a <br />six inch Town of Hillsborough water line extending to the Mars Hill Church site. The Town has water <br />lines to the west and to the south as well, but there are no lines in the project area at this time. The <br />sewer lines are in the Governor Downs Subdivision, the Rencher Street area, and some isolated <br />places in the Faucette Mill Road area to the west. Orange County Schools propose to extend a <br />sanitary sewer gravity line down Strauss Creek from the school site to the north side of Governor <br />Burke Road. A pump station would be installed which would pump southward to the Orange High <br />School area. The water line extension to serve the school would come from the Town's northern <br />water tank and proceed eastward by a combination of public right-of-way and acquired easement to <br />the school site. The benefit of that water line would be to provide fire protection service as well as <br />future water service for the school site and other properties. <br />frontage. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for clarification about the apparent discrepancy in road <br />Mr. Whitaker indicated that in the deed description the southern road frontage on Highway <br />57 should be 178 wide but when it was scaled from the tax map it was much smaller than that. This <br />discrepancy regarding how wide the road frontage is needs to be resolved. <br />located. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked who owned the property on which the Quaker cemetery was <br />Q:119990221d.c