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close the Public Hearing and refer the application to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be <br />returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than May 4, 1999. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b) Z-01-99 Armin Lieth <br />This item was presented by Planner Karen Lincoln for the purpose of receiving evidence <br />and citizen comment on the proposed rezoning of portions of two lots in the White Cross community, <br />Bingham Township, from R-1, Rural Residential, to LS-1, Local Commercial, and NC-2 <br />Neighborhood Commercial. The applicant is proposing to rezone 4.0 acres of an 11.5 acre lot from <br />R-1 to NC-2; to rezone 2.5 acres of that same lot from R-1 to LC-1 and to rezone 1.5 acres of <br />another 11.5 acre lot from R-1 to LC-1. The subject property is located on the south side of NC <br />Highway 54 West approximately 0.28 miles west of Butler Road and approximately 0.265 miles east <br />of White Cross Road. The property is zoned R-1, Rural Residential. The southern halves of the two <br />lots are zoned HAW-PW, Haw River Protected Watershed Overlay District. Approximately 2.0 acres <br />of the area proposed to be rezoned to LC-1 are within the HAW-PW Overlay District. None of the <br />area proposed to be rezoned to NC-2 is within the HAW-PW Overlay District. Surrounding land uses <br />are residential with commercial uses to the northwest, west and east along N.C. Highway 54. Oak <br />Hollow Subdivision and Westbrook Subdivision are located across N.C. Highway 54 to the north and <br />northeast of the subject property. Sturdivants Tire and Auto is adjacent to the property on the east; <br />Piedmont Feed and Supply, a B.P. Station, and Fabric Showroom Superior Furniture Upholstery are <br />located on the south side of N.C. Highway 54 to the west; White Cross School which houses N.C. <br />Writers Network, the White Cross Community Art Space, IS] & Rhythms II, Cathy Kiffney and Akido, <br />Video Plus, a hardware and paint store, Woodworking Co-op and a seafood restaurant are on the <br />north side of N.C. Highway 54 to the northwest. According to the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, <br />Article IV, Sections 4.2.8 b)4. and 4.2.9 b)4. the maximum amount of land zoned LC-1 at any node <br />shall not exceed nine acres, and the maximum amount of land zoned NC-2 at any node shall not <br />exceed nine acres; however, in rural areas where population density is lower and distributed more <br />widely than in the Transition area, the maximum amount of land zoned LC-1 and the maximum <br />amount of land zoned NC-2 shall not exceed 5 acres. Within the White Cross Rural Community <br />Node there are five (5) acres of land zoned for Local Commercial (LC-1) uses and 5.01 acres of land <br />zoned for Neighborhood Commercial (NC-2) uses. There are also existing commercially zoned <br />areas within the White Cross Rural Community Node. In December, 1995, a proposal to rezone a <br />4.71 acre lot within the White Cross Rural Community Node from an Agricultural Residential Zoning <br />District to an Agricultural Services District triggered opposition from surrounding property owners who <br />opposed increasing commercial uses in the area. The sentiment from the residents was that no <br />changes were wanted that would provide for more non-residential development. Thus, that area was <br />eliminated when proposed economic development districts were recommended <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the White Cross Small Area Plan was ever programmed? <br />County Manager Link replied that it has been delayed because of lack of staff. It is an item <br />for future work when the Planning Department is fully staffed. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD: <br />None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: <br />Tom Whisant, a local property owner and a partner in the ownership of the White Cross <br />Q:119990221d.c