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clarification and agreement on planning future operations. The scope of the MRF needs to be specified as <br />well as financing future efforts. John Link mentioned that there are committees working on some of the solid <br />waste issues including a MRF, a C&D site, financing future projects, etc. The County Commissioners <br />decided that these committees should continue with these goals and bring forth their recommendations. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he feels the County needs an agreement between all the jurisdictions <br />on how the County is going to operate solid waste management after the County takes over responsibility. <br />By consensus the County Commissioners agreed that the decision has been made for the County to <br />takeover solid waste management. Chair Gordon added that she agrees with the County taking over solid <br />waste management but only under certain conditions. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there is confusion from the Chapel Hill and Carrboro representatives <br />on the LOG. He feels they should proceed on the MRF proposal because the LOG is paying consultants <br />$100,000 to develop a plan for this facility to fit Orange County needs. <br />The County Commissioners discussed the date they would take over solid waste management <br />operations and decided that they would take over six months after the interlocal agreement is approved by all <br />jurisdictions involved. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she does not feel that taking over solid waste management is that <br />complicated. She said that the interlocal agreement needs to be finalized and the financing should be in <br />place. Regarding the MRF, she suggested that the County start with a small facility which can be expanded. <br />This would be a County decision. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the interlocal agreement and said that it needs to be specific <br />about the Greene Tract. She feels the County Commissioners need to make a decision for what is done with <br />the Greene Tract. She has an offer from Carole Crumley's class to do an inventory, both cultural and <br />environmental, of this tract. She noted that the deed specifies that the property can only be used for a public <br />purpose. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he feels as soon as the County adopts the 1999-2000 operation budget <br />for the landfill that the LOG should be dissolved. Until that time, the LOG could continue with their work but <br />make no commitment of funds. All future decisions would be made by the County Commissioners. <br />Rod Visser said that the landfill operation will continue no matter when the County takes over <br />management responsibilities. There is a lot of work to be done with reclassifying employees and transferring <br />the employees from Chapel Hill to the County staff. <br />Chair Gordon said that she does not believe the County has adequate staff in place for this transition. <br />The County has Y2K issues to address and the budget process will be starting soon. The Board asked the <br />County Manager to do an agenda abstract outlining the staff he needs before the County can assume solid <br />waste management operations. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed that the County needs to go ahead and try to finish the interlocal <br />agreement by April 1 and if the County needs additional staff, they need to put the personnel in place so the <br />LOG can be dissolved by June 30. The advisory committee would be put in place at that time. <br />John Link made reference to the MRF and pointed out that assuming responsibility for solid waste <br />management assumes that the County will finance a MRF facility. The County would not be able to impose <br />upon the towns to pay for this facility unless paying for it is part of the interlocal agreement. The only <br />financing alternatives the County Commissioners have talked about for a MRF is property tax or availability <br />fees. The municipalities feel that solid waste management should be paid for from County property taxes.