2011-091 Health - Cherry Naw - Amendment to Contract for Burmese Interpreter $35 per hr not to exceed $6,000
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2011-091 Health - Cherry Naw - Amendment to Contract for Burmese Interpreter $35 per hr not to exceed $6,000
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/9/2012 11:45:22 AM
Creation date
4/28/2011 9:28:47 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
Manager Signed
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i. The Provider is required to provide proof of .immunity to varicella, measles, mumps <br />and rubella prior to inception of contract work. Proof of immunity must be one of <br />the following: medical records diagnosing the disease, laboratory records <br />confirming the disease, laboratory records documenting positive disease titers, or <br />medical records documenting receipt of 2 doses of each vaccine. (Exception: If the <br />Provider has documentation of only one dose of vaccine, the Provider must provide <br />documentation of a second dose within 60 days of the first day of contract work.) <br />The Provider is responsible for covering all costs associated with acquiring any <br />necessary titers, medical diagnosis or laboratory confirmation of disease or <br />vaccinations. <br />ii. The Provider is required to get a TB screening and provide those results to OCHD <br />prior to beginning contract work. The Provider is responsible for the costs <br />associated with acquiring such screening. ' The screening can be one of the <br />following: <br />1. Receipt of a TB skin test {TST) if the Provider has no history of TB <br />infection/disease or of a positive~TST (Note: If the Provider has not had an <br />additional TST within the previous 12 months, a second TST will be <br />required one week after the first to establish an accurate baseline.) <br />2. Completion of a TB Screening Form by a medical provider if the Provider <br />has a history of TB disease or of having a positive TST. <br />d. Procedures and Guidelines upon acceptance of assignment: <br />i. The Provider agrees to give at least 24 hour notice if he/she is unable to participate <br />in a scheduled client contact. <br />ii. The Provider will be expected to make confirmation phone calls to clients in <br />advance of an assigned appointment, when feasible, and when the Provider is <br />provided the information by OCHD staff. The Provider should notify OCHD staff <br />as soon as possible if the client has told the Provider that he/she will not be able to <br />make the appointment and/or if he/she needs to reschedule. These confirmation <br />calls will not be paid for sepaJ•ately, but are considered part of the service when the <br />Provider accepts an assignment for an appointment. <br />iii. The Provider shall not have contact with OCHD clients with OCHD staff being <br />present, unless specifically asked by staff to -call clients to confirm or schedule <br />appointments. It is not acceptable for the Provider to give out his/her home <br />telephone number or cell phone number for later contact between the family and <br />Provider. The Provider should generally instruct clients to call the Health <br />Department front desk staff or the Spanish voicemail line at 644-3350 ~ {when <br />language appropriate) to schedule an appointment or to inquire about services. <br />e. The Provider shall complete and submit the OCHD Invoice for Payment of Interpreting <br />Services form to the OCHD staff at the time services are rendered. OCHD staff will verify <br />the information, sign and forward the form for payment of services. <br />i. The Provider will record the start and finish time worked to the minute. After the <br />first hour of service, payment will be calculated and paid per minute. <br />Revised June 20i 0 2 <br />
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