Agenda - 04-26-2011 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-26-2011
Agenda - 04-26-2011 - 1
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8/16/2012 12:31:43 PM
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4/21/2011 4:51:52 PM
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Minutes 04-26-2011
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E <br />Local Appropriations <br />For the upcoming fiscal year, I am recommending that the Orange County Board of <br />Education request the same per pupil appropriation from the BOCC. Since the 2009 -2010 <br />school year, Orange County Schools has received a per pupil allocation of 3,096 dollars from the <br />county. Next year, the district's student enrollment is projected to increase by 80 students to <br />7,272 and the requested current expense appropriation from the BOCC will be $23,043,528. <br />Should the same per pupil funding be approved, the district's operational revenues will increase <br />by $268,432 over last year's appropriation. <br />We fully recognize that most businesses, citizens, and government organizations have <br />had to "tighten their belts" during the ongoing recession. Over the course of the past three years, <br />the Board of Education has taken proactive measures to prepare for the impending shortfall in <br />funding by not filling some vacancies, cutting the number of district -level staff, staffing <br />reductions, trimming overtime, limiting travel, lowering recurring operational costs by 3.1 <br />million dollars and, at the same time, increasing our fund balance. As a result, Orange County <br />Schools has some reserve funding available to help lessen the negative effects of a projected 6.4 <br />million dollar reduction in state and federal funding. <br />Establishing a Contingency Fund <br />I am proposing three short-term actions designed to shore up our shrinking operational <br />revenue in order to mitigate the harmful effects of lower state and federal funding. I am <br />recommending that the Board of Education shift the use of 1.4 million dollars of fund balance <br />reserves to help prevent school -level job loss associated with state and federal funding cuts. <br />I am also recommending an additional 1.1 million dollars in cuts to the district -level <br />operating budget. These cost containment measures are designed to reduce our expenditures <br />without negatively impacting our students. The proposed budget for the 2011 -2012 school year <br />will include reductions in funding for our transportation budget, curriculum and instruction, <br />maintenance, finance, Board of Education and human resources, among others. Orange County <br />Schools will be actively pursuing additional savings from efficiencies in energy management, <br />overtime reductions, renegotiated contracts, lower insurance costs, and integrated technology. <br />I am recommending that the Board of Education request permission to convert $571,000 <br />in projected lottery revenues to temporarily fund teaching positions that may be impacted by the <br />state funding reductions. While lottery revenues have historically been used to pay for capital <br />projects, the district has the ability to apply these funds for instruction. The capital projects that <br />were scheduled to be covered by these funds can be completed by using other federal funds. <br />By taking these three steps, the Board of Education will be able to set aside $3,100,000 in <br />contingency funding in preparation for the funding cuts ahead. <br />This year, the Board of Education established a budget sub - committee consisting of <br />teachers, principals, senior staff members and three board members. This group has solicited <br />cost cutting ideas from various stakeholders, including the Superintendent's Teacher Advisory <br />Council, K -12 principals, teachers and parents. The input we received has been used in the <br />development of the local budget and will also help in weathering state budget cuts ahead. <br />Orange County Schools will maintain its focus on improving the achievement of all of its <br />students. Our continued success is the result of our strong community support, committed <br />teachers and staff, and excellent leadership from the Board of Education. As a community, we <br />must dedicate ourselves to ongoing advocacy for our children who do not have a voice. By <br />working together, we can help our elected officials in Raleigh understand that we cannot balance <br />the budget at the expense of our children. I thank you for your continued support for the <br />Orange County Schools. <br />For more information on the budget, please see our website at <br />
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