Orange County NC Website
? Implementation - Summer 1999 to Winter 2000 <br />Rod Visser reviewed the framework for the Y2K plan and said that the draft framework <br />provides some natural contrasts in assessing and responding to potential Y2K problems. He said <br />that money will be placed in the CIP to address some of the Y2K problems and they will bring to the <br />Board any requests for additional funds. <br />John Smith, Information Technology Advisory Committee Chair, said that the Committee has <br />discussed this issue since September. He supports the plan as outlined by Rod Visser. He said he <br />would add two things to this outline. One is that there is a sense of urgency and we need to be <br />doing something and moving ahead. He feels that if it is necessary to get outside consultants or <br />materials, there will be competition from others also needing assistance. The IT staff is small and <br />their priority is to keep County offices up and running. He feels that outside contractors need to be <br />used. Regarding the mainframe application, a lot of that is specialized and it will be difficult to find <br />someone to help on these systems. He emphasized that we need to move ahead just as soon as <br />possible with outside help. <br />Chair Gordon asked about testing of all systems for Y2K compliance and John Smith said <br />that testing is important and should be done as soon as possible. Chair Gordon feels we should be <br />ready to test by June. She agrees that the County has public health and safety responsibilities and <br />needs to address these in its Y2K preparation. <br />In answer to a question from John Smith, John Link said that the County does not have a <br />staff person totally dedicated to Y2K compliance. John Smith said that he feels the County needs <br />someone whose main job is to coordinate all the Y2K activities. Chair Gordon asked that the IT <br />committee discuss what outside help might be needed and make a recommendation. <br />Commissioner Carey supports the team that John Link put together but thinks if we are going <br />to be fully compliant by June 30 we may need to free someone up from the staff to coordinate these <br />activities and hire additional technical staff support. <br />In answer to an inquiry from John Link about the extent of the County's responsibility for its <br />citizens, Chair Gordon said that this needs to be thought through and that there may be some <br />problems we will need to address. She asked John Link to bring back a recommendation. She <br />would like to see contingency plans for items such as food and water - not only for the poor and frail <br />but for everyone. She noted that the county along with the towns have police power and that we <br />have no idea what is going to happen but she feels the County has external responsibilities as well <br />as internal and needs to be prepared. <br />Commissioner Carey said that we should treat it just like any other natural disaster except we <br />will not be able to rely on help from other jurisdictions. The County needs to be prepared for this <br />possible "natural disaster." <br />2. 1999-2000 Board of Commissioner Goals <br />Chair Gordon went over the procedure for continuing the discussion of their goals. The <br />County Commissioners discussed the topics identified at the January 16, 1999 Planning and Goal <br />Setting Retreat, and identified 1999-2000 goals to be developed by staff for Board review and <br />adoption as listed below.