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Nominations were made for the two vacancies -- Ann Loeb, Keith Cook and Leslie Weaver. <br />Ann Loeb received three votes from Commissioners Brown, Gordon and Halkiotis <br />Keith Cook received four votes from Commissioners Carey, Gordon, Halkiotis and Jacobs <br />Leslie Weaver received two votes from Commissioners Brown and Jacobs <br />THE BOARD CONTINUED THE MEETING FOR FIFTEEN (15) MINUTES <br />d. Zoning Atlas Amendment: Z-4-98 - James and Patricia LaTorre <br />The Board was to consider amending the zoning atlas by rezoning a 19.96-acre tract in the 1-85IBuckhorn <br />Road Economic Development Activity Node from Primary Economic Development to Secondary Economic <br />Development. This item was delayed until the next meeting. <br />e. Proposed Public Hearing Advertisement - February 22, 1999 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the legal <br />advertisement for items proposed for the February 22 quarterly public hearing as amended. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e1. Additional Funding for Process to Determine Whether to Challenge the Nuclear Regulatory <br />Commission Staff's proposed finding of "No Significant Additional Hazard" for Storage of Waste <br />Nuclear Fuel Rods at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize the <br />expenditure of an additional $1500 in legal fees to determine whether to challenge the NRC staff's proposed finding of <br />"No Significant Additional Hazard" for CP&L's proposal to expand its high level nuclear waste storage operation for used <br />nuclear fuel rods at the Shearon Harris nuclear power plant. The funding will be provided through the Commissioners' <br />Contingency account. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />The County Commissioners asked for the following information: <br />? total potential cost to legally challenge CP&L <br />? memo on how the consultant was selected <br />? list of questions that the consultant will ask CP&L <br />Meeting Ended at 10:45 <br />f. County's Response to OWASA Reauest for Comments Relative to its Utilitv Extension and <br />Assessment Position Paper <br />The Board was to consider its response to OWASA's position paper on utility extension and assessment <br />policies. This item was postponed to the next meeting. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Report on Chatham County's Reauest to Access its Jordan Lake Water Allocation throuah <br />OWASA's Jordan Lake Property and Approved Intake Location (9:30-9:40) <br />The Board was to hear a report on Chatham County's request to access its Jordan Lake water supply <br />through OWASA's Jordan Lake property and consider the responses to the plan from the towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro and approval of a draft letter to OWASA outlining the County's response. This item was postponed to the next <br />meeting. <br />b. 1999 Legislative Goals <br />The Board was to discuss legislation they may wish to submit to the Orange County legislative delegation <br />for consideration during the 1999 long session of the General Assembly. This item was postponed to the next meeting. <br />C. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Update <br />The Board was to receive a report on the status of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. This item was <br />postponed to the next meeting.