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b. Reconsideration - Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area and Joint Planning <br />Agreement Relative to Transition Area I and II and "Floating" Conditional Use Districts <br />This item was presented so that the Board could consider adopting amendments to the Joint Planning Area <br />Land Use Plan and map, and Joint Planning Agreement incorporating the facilitated small area plan for Carrboro's <br />northern study area. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to reconsider the <br />facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area and Joint Planning Agreement amendments relative to <br />Transition Area I and 11 and Floating Conditional Use Districts. <br />VOTE- UNANIMOUS <br />John Link said that at the Commissioners meeting on January 19, 1999, there were questions about <br />consolidation of Carrboro's Transition Areas I and I I into a single transition category area for the Northern Study Area. A <br />meeting of the Orange County Manager, Attorney, and Interim Planning Director with the Carrboro Town Manager, <br />Attorney, Planning Director and Land Use Planner was held on January 22, 1999 to discuss these issues. <br />Recommendations from that meeting are summarized in the agenda. Resolutions "A" and "B" operationalize what was <br />discussed at the January 22, 1999 staff meeting. <br />Citizen Comments <br />JEF thanked the Board for their support in this process. He feels that if the County Commissioners adopt <br />sections by reference that it will not include the TI and T2 language since these references were left out. On map #7, <br />there is only one school site. Calculations show that if this area is built out without a village, there is a possibility of <br />5,189 houses and only one school site. He feels they need to P FGhase more sites for schools need to be purchased <br />Carol Greenslade reiterated what JEF said and spoke about two other issues. She said that she has put in <br />a lot of time and effort as a member of the small area planning committee. Her two major concerns are dealing with the <br />various commercial zones and also with the T1 and T2 zones. She feels that anything that digresses from the T1 and <br />T2 zones should be discussed in a public forum. <br />Forrest Greenslade thanked the County Commissioners for staying involved in this process and asked that <br />the County Commissioners stay engaged to represent the citizens who live in that area. He feels that their <br />representation will ensure a fair and equitable process. <br />Dave Rutter thanked the County Commissioners for continuing to listen to those in the Calavander <br />community. His concern is that the T1 and T2 designation be retained in the small area agreement to prevent <br />leapfrogging from happening. He suggested that Carrboro direct its development towards its two T1 sites. He asked <br />the County Commissioners to vote no to this proposal. <br />Linda Roberts thanked the County Commissioners for representing them. Citizens have spoken about their <br />reservations and are proud that the County Commissioners have agreed with them. She noted that she made a formal <br />request to be removed from the Carrboro plan which would in fact give Carrboro their 75% builtout for T1. She thanked <br />the County Commissioners for listening. <br />Allen Spalt thanked the County Commissioners for their involvement in this process. He said that it is <br />unlikely that all the land will be developed but they want Carrboro wants to come out of it better than if they did nothing. <br />He appreciates th& the Commissioners involvement in this process. Even though not all people agree, they have <br />tried to bring forward a plan and ordinance amendments that will implement the plan. He agrees with putting in the T1 <br />and T2 areas which is supported, not opposed to, by Carrboro. This plan, in order to be an effective plan, implements a <br />new way of calculating density and provides better protection of sensitive areas. He feels that there is more flexibility in <br />the plan. He said that the ordinances that they have Carrboro has drafted will go to the Board of County <br />Commissioners who will have 30 days in which to accept them. The ordinance amendments are designed not only to be <br />effective in the small area planning area but will also be for areas already included in Carrboro's Land Use Ordinances. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for clarification on the items they reaGhed on which consensus was reached <br />erg at the facilitated meetings. She also mentioned that 30 days is probably not enough time to evaluate ordinance <br />amendments and Alderman Spalt said that they could talk about extending this time frame. Commissioner Brown <br />asked about the density of this area and adequate public facilities that Carrboro will need to provide.