Agenda - 04-19-2011 - 8b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-19-2011
Agenda - 04-19-2011 - 8b
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/15/2011 11:31:19 AM
Creation date
4/15/2011 11:31:17 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2011-078 AMS - Walker Automotive Supply, Inc. for Automotive and Facilities Maintenance Supplies
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2011
Minutes 04-19-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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12 <br />{b) In those circumstances when delivery is required by ORANGE COUNTY, <br />PROVIDER will provide parts to ORANGE COUNTY's locations on a daily route basis. <br />In addition, PROVIDER will accelerate delivery on those items ORANGE COUNTY <br />requires to be delivered on an expedited basis. PROVIDER will make all reasonable <br />efforts to ensure prompt delivery to the ORANGE COUNTY'S location(s) requesting <br />part(s). PROVIDER personnel will be responsible for all off-loading _ of delivered <br />INVENTORY. <br />(c) PROVIDER shall provide all computers and reports necessary to monitor <br />monthly expenses as they pertain to the daily operation of the On Site Store(s). <br />PROVIDER shall provide computer ordering and cataloging to each On Site Location. <br />(d) PROVIDER shall provide a profit and loss statement of the parts <br />operations to the ORANGE COUNTY on approximately the 15a' of each month for each <br />On Site Location. <br />(e) PROVIDER shall provide back-up emergency service during non-working <br />hour contingencies as defined and mutually agreed upon by PROVIDER and ORANGE <br />COUNTY. The COUNTY will set guidelines for non-working hours services. <br />PROVIDER will provide a list of personnel, including telephone numbers, who will <br />respond to emergency service requests. <br />(f) PROVIDER and all of its assigns, sub-contractors, vendors, and suppliers <br />to the ORANGE COUNTY will remain certified and in good standing with ORANGE <br />COUNTY as compliant with accepted purchasing procedures accepted by ORANGE <br />COUNTY. <br />(g} PROVIDER shall provide inventory management services for automotive <br />and other vehicle tires and janitorial supplies with compensation as provided in Section <br />6(a)(i) herein. ORANGE COUNTY shall initially be responsible for the procurement of <br />such tires and janitorial supplies. In the event ORANGE COUNTY and PROVIDER <br />agree that PROVIDER shall, in addition to providing inventory management services, <br />procure tires and janitorial supplies for use by ORANGE COUNTY such agreement must <br />be memorialized by a written amendment to this Attachment A and the Services <br />Agreement dated and signed by all parties. <br />5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORANGE COUNTY. <br />ORANGE COUNTY shall have the following duties and responsibilities during the term <br />of this Agreement: <br />(a) ORANGE COUNTY shall provide, at its sole expense, usable space for <br />PROVIDER's On Site Location(s) and the Inventory. ORANGE COUNTY shall provide <br />access to restroom facilities for PROVIDER employees. Further, ORANGE COUNTY <br />shall furnish, at its sole expense, all utilities for the On Site Location(s) including: water, <br />
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