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for preparation of 1999 HUD Section 202 Elderly housing applications. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the <br />Manager's recommendation as stated below: <br />1. Funds should be appropriated from the Commissioners Contingency Fund, contingent upon approval of <br />funds from the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />2. County staff should provide the project sponsor, First Baptist Church, a copy of the Impact Fee <br />Reimbursement Policy and provide technical assistance with the preparation of an impact fee reimbursement request in <br />accordance with the referenced policy and the County's annual budget preparation process, and <br />3. Funds granted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners should only be used for the feasibility <br />study related to the above referenced HUD Section 202 Elderly Housing Application. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area and Joint Planning Agreement <br />The Board considered adopting amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map and Joint <br />Planning Agreement to incorporate the Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's northern study area. <br />Interim Planning Director Gene Bell reviewed a map showing the Land Use Element of the joint planning <br />area for Chapel Hill and Carrboro. He pointed out the transition areas for the Town of Carrboro. He noted that in the <br />1987 Joint Planning Agreement there were two transition areas. In 1996, a plan for the small area plan was brought to <br />public hearing. This plan was sent back and led to a facilitated group and ultimately to the plan which is shown on <br />page seven of the agenda packet. <br />Roy Williford, Planning Director for the Town of Carrboro, said that in essence the plan proposes that they <br />go to a village type floating-zone concept. Also, as part of that he would recommend that there be a floating mixed use <br />center which is being called the office-mixed use center. Affordable housing provisions are included in the draft <br />ordinance and the plan provides for a linked system of open space corridors. One of the major features of this plan is <br />that it basically maintains the existing zoning that they have. However, it changes the way they currently calculate <br />density - from a gross density approach to one which has an adjusted acreage approach or net density, meaning that all <br />the primary and secondary conservation areas need to be looked at, which they have done. The open space provisions <br />have been modified. They still have the 40% open space requirement. However, if a particular piece of property has <br />primary constraints, those would need to be set aside as open space, even if it exceeds 40%. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how many villages could be placed in the transition small area plan area and <br />Roy Williford said that the first thing he looked for was a contiguous flat area of 25 acres for the core area of the village. <br />Next, he wanted to be sure that they had 50 acres because that is what is being proposed in the ordinance. The area <br />could not exceed 200 acres. There are three sites which he pointed out on a map. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if Randal Arendt's comments of October 5th were taken into consideration. <br />Board of Aldermen member Alex Zaffron said that the ordinance drafting committee went through the proposed <br />ordinance amendments and made changes in the ordinance and language of the ordinance incorporating the changes <br />Randall Arendt sent forward. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained the three parts of the resolution in the agenda on page 33. The first part <br />amends the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and the second part amends the Joint Planning Agreement. Both of <br />these have been to public hearing and are being reviewed tonight. The third part lists the recommendations from the <br />Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee. <br />Chair Gordon reviewed the three parts of the resolution listed in the agenda beginning on page 34 and <br />ending on page 38. She noted that the first two resolutions tract what the Orange County Planning Board <br />recommended and the first part of the third resolution also tracts what the Planning Board recommended. The second <br />part of the third resolution is a compromised proposal based on what Commissioner Jacobs suggested. This is an <br />attempt to create a way to allow only Carrboro to approve applications. The Orange County Planning Board <br />recommended that these conditional floating zones be approved by both Carrboro and the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Brown asked Geoffrey Gledhill why we would want to do away with T1 and T2. He said that <br />the reason the administration recommends doing away with T1 and T2 is because the facilitated small area plan does <br />away with them and that is the recommendation of our Planning Board. The objective, as he understands the big picture <br />objective of eliminating T1 and T2, is that having that designation has the potential to encourage suburban sprawl. The <br />administration has recommended adoption of the facilitated small area plan which does away with T1 and T2. It <br />eliminates the distinction between T1 and T2 zoning densities. Until T1 is fully developed, the density in T2 stays at 1 <br />dwelling unit per acre.