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25 <br />provide that, in the event that any party to such a dispute or complaint is dissatisfied with the <br />final decision or other resolution provided by Recipient, the dissatisfied party shall appeal to <br />the North Carolina Superior Court in an appropriate County for a trial de novo, to the extent <br />that jurisdiction is proper pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7A-240 and other applicable law. <br />29. Schedules <br />(a) Schedule for Release of Conditions and Comyletion Activities. The Recipient must <br />satisfy all Funding Approval Conditions to release CDBG funds within 3 months <br />(June I4, 2011) from the date the Grant Agreement and Funding Approval were <br />signed by the CI Director. The recipient must draw down alI CDBG funds, expend all <br />local non-CDBG funds and complete all project activities in conformance with the <br />activities implementation schedule in the application as modified by the Performance <br />Based Contract. <br />(b) The Recipient must obligate all funds within 27 months (June 14, 2013) from the <br />date the Grant Agreement and Funding Approval are signed by CI Director. <br />(c) All funds are to be expended within 30 months (September 14, 2013) from the date <br />the Grant Agreement and Funding Approval are signed by CI Director. Any <br />remaining funds will be de- obligated. <br />(d) All closeout documents must be returned to CI by (December 14, 2013). <br />(e) Schedule for Submission of Compliance Documents.. The Recipient must submit the <br />following compliance documents within the specified number of months from the date <br />the Grant Agreement and the Funding Approval were signed by the CI Director: <br />• Environmental - 3 months (June 14, 2011) <br />• Equal Employment'and Procurement PIan - 4 months (July 14, 2011) <br />__. Fair Housing - 4 months (July 14, 2011) <br />• Section 3 Plan - 4 months (July 14, 2011) <br />• Section 504 Plan - 4 months (July14, 2011) <br />• Language Access Plan - 4 months (July14, 2011) <br />• Analysis of Impediments- 4 months (July 14, 2011) <br />• Request for Release of Funds - 5 months (August 14, 2011) <br />(f) Timely Draw down of Funds. Recipient is expected make timely draw downs so that <br />funds are expended in a timely manner. <br />30. Ouarterly Progress Report. Per Bulletin 09-1, Recipient shall ensure that a quarterly progress <br />report that reflects approved CDBG program activity progress and CDBG financial status is <br />presented to Recipient's elected board and a copy of that report, endorsed liy the Chief EIected <br />Official or the county/city/town manager will be provided to DOC not later than the tenth <br />(l0a') day of the month following the ending month of the reporting period. <br />3 1. Performance Measures <br />'The CPD Performance Measurement System is HUD's response to the standards set by the <br />Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. This act holds all Federal <br />agencies accountable for establishing goals and objectives and measuring achievements. <br />9 <br />