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County Engineer Paul Thames said that the essential thing for Orange County right now is to decide if <br />they want to go into a formal "intervention" process (formally ask for a public hearing). CP&L is only required <br />to abide by the rules and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The comment period <br />ends February 12. <br />Commissioner Brown introduced Mary MacDowell, Jim Warren and County Engineer Paul Thames. <br />Mary MacDowell from Chatham County said that it would be beneficial to move ahead with the <br />process if only to gather information. The NRC staff has determined "no significant hazard". In talking with <br />nuclear experts, she found out that the current setup is not safe. <br />Jim Warren from NC WARN said that these pools were not going to be used long-term but it has <br />turned out that the longer they keep this storage, the greater the risk of an accident. CP&L knows that <br />several entities are considering legal intervention. We know that getting accurate and technical information <br />would be helpful in a formal intervention process. He intends to have a public hearing whether CP&L does <br />or not. CP&L is in a situation where their public image is very important because they are moving to a <br />competitive market in a couple of years. They do have a plan B and plan C. However, the NRC does cater <br />to this industry. NCWARN predicted two months ago that it would be rubber-stamped after two weeks. He <br />would not suggest continuing with legal intervention if after a couple of months, nothing is done about <br />opening the process. He would at that point abandon the idea. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is proud of the action we took early on. He asked that County <br />Engineer Paul Thames stay active and play a leadership role in all future endeavors. <br />Mary MacDowell said that she did not realize that it would take a consultant fulltime for three weeks <br />to gather information for an intervention. The Chatham County Board of Commissioners has indicated to her <br />that they do not intend to spend money on this issue. She believes it is important to get the technical <br />information from someone not associated with the industry. Chatham County Commissioners will hear a <br />presentation from CP&L on Tuesday evening. This prevents Chatham County from intervention because <br />there is not enough time. It would help if Orange County would start the process and then ask Chatham <br />County to join them. <br />moved <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that when this storage is open, regardless of what is promised, it will never be <br />Commissioner Carey said that he would like additional information on the amount of money we are <br />talking about and how long it would take an expert to generate the information. <br />Chair Gordon said that one possibility is to decide by January 19 if we want to fund a consultant and <br />to decide on February 2 if we want to intervene. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis supports putting this item on the agenda. Paul Thames distributed an <br />agenda abstract entitled "Funding for process to obtain standing with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in <br />the permitting process for expanded storage of waste nuclear fuel rods at Shearon Harris nuclear power <br />plant". <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that we need to express to Chatham County our support and ask them to <br />join us. Also, we need to ask the other counties and municipalities which have shown support for this <br />process to help with the funding of this consultant. He feels that the more we publicize this the more <br />responsive CP&L will be. Paul Thames will draft a letter to other jurisdictions informing them that we plan to <br />move forward with hiring a consultant and asking for their support. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that "standing" is a concept having to do with a court challenge. In order to <br />have standing you must intervene in the regulatory process. He will find out the complete process.