Minutes - 19990116
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990116
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8/14/2008 1:37:55 PM
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8/13/2008 1:38:42 PM
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Agenda - 01-16-1999
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Commissioner Carey feels that "effective school funding" and defining what we mean by that may be <br />more appropriate than "equity". <br />It was decided that the County Commissioners would continue discussions at a later time on "effective <br />school funding" and the construction manager concept. They agreed to ask the two school systems to put <br />their expansion items in priority order for the budget this year. <br />The Board took a break for lunch. <br />D. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ON WHICH BOARD MEMBERS SERVE <br />The Board discussed and decided which boards would require Commissioner membership, which <br />should have a Commissioner as a liaison (with or without membership) and for which groups it would be <br />sufficient to have a member appointed by the Board of County Commissioners <br />The list as included in the agenda was reviewed and changes noted by the Clerk to the Board. These <br />appointments will be presented at the February 2, 1999 meeting for approval. <br />E. PRESENTATION FROM BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />The County Commissioners heard several reports as listed below: <br />ADULT CARE HOME ADVISORY BOARD <br />Chair Cherie Rosemond outlined their 1999 goals. She said that one of the issues is that frontline <br />caregivers are paid the least and do the most work. Another issue is the need for meaningful activities. She <br />asked that the County Commissioners watch the regulations coming out about family care and rest homes. <br />She said that there is a need for an improved ratio of caregivers to residents. They also need more <br />volunteers to help in the homes. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested that these issues be brought to the attention of the NCACC. He <br />asked that Cherie Rosemond make a list of what she feels needs to be done so that the County <br />Commissioners can support the efforts through the Association and other state groups. <br />Efland Volunteer Fire Department <br />Peter D. Hallenbeck, Assistant Chief/Secretary of the Efland Volunteer Fire Department, summarized <br />his memo. He said that the primary goal of the memo was to inform the County Commissioners about things <br />coming down the road. He talked about their training. He said that Chapel Hill has a facility to test the <br />pumpers. He asked the County Commissioners to investigate working with Orange County Emergency <br />Management and Chapel Hill to be sure they have access to these facilities. The cost of fire fighting <br />equipment has increased drastically. Efland will need to spend $550,000 in the next 10 years to provide an <br />engine, tanker and brush truck that are newer than 20 years old. The fire department budgets will need to <br />be increased to cover this cost. They continue their efforts to obtain a better ISO grade (insurance rating). <br />This has proven to be a very long, detailed task for which there is little assistance from County resources. <br />They are working with different County departments on this effort and these departments may need extra <br />resources so that they can help in this effort. A problem nationwide is that fire departments are going more <br />and more to paid staff. As less and less people work locally, it is hard to have volunteer firefighters. In <br />Efland, adding two paid people would add 60% to their budget. Lastly, he said that he appreciates the <br />volunteers because they are dedicated and have great pride in what they do. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis noted that Efland has the lowest tax rate of any of the fire districts. He is sure <br />that all fire districts are experiencing the same problems Efland is facing with funding and volunteers. He <br />noted that the rural education plan has built in a testing pit which would help in testing their equipment. This <br />entire issue needs to be looked into and he is grateful for the information from Mr. Hallenbeck. <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />Tom Allison, Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission, asked for continued funding for their local <br />landmark program. He made reference to the membership of this Commission and said that they have one
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