Minutes - 19981208
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19981208
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8/14/2008 1:39:44 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:38:29 PM
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Agenda - 12-08-1998
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WHEREAS, during his tenure as an Orange County Commissioner, William Crowther has <br />shared his talent for leadership and public service through his work on several <br />community, local and state committees, including the Economic Development <br />Commission, the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council, the Local <br />Emergency Response Planning Como ittee, the Recreation and Parks Advisory <br />Board, the Shaping Orange County's Future task force, the Social Services Board, <br />the Triangle J Council of Governments and the North Carolina Association of <br />County Commissioners Insurance Board of Trustees, among others. <br />NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners officially <br />commends William L. Crowther for his distinguished service to the community <br />and wishes him and his family the very best in his future endeavors. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be presented to Mr. Crowther, with a copy <br />sent to the press, and that the Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this <br />meeting, the eighth day of December, 1998. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. OATHS OF OFFICE FOR BOARD MEMBERS <br />a. Alice Gordon <br />Clerk to the Board Beverly Blythe gave the oath of office to Alice M. Gordon for a four year <br />term as County Commissioner. The Oath of Office is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office and <br />tiled in the Clerk of Courts office. <br />b. Stephen Halkiotis <br />Clerk to the Board Beverly Blythe gave the oath of office to Stephen H. Halkiotis for a four <br />year term as County Commissioner. The Oath of Office is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office <br />and filed in the Clerk of Courts office. <br />c. Barry Jacobs <br />Joseph Moody "Joe" Buckner, District Court Judge 15B, gave the oath of office to Barry <br />Jacobs for a four year term as County Commissioner. The Oath of Office is in the permanent agenda file in the <br />Clerk's office and filed in the Clerk of Courts office. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked his wife Robin for managing his campaign and his mother, <br />family and friends for their support. He thanked Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Gordon for <br />treating him with respect while running for office. He said that he feels he ran a positive campaign and that <br />he brings to the office a lot of experience. He listed those issues he wants to work on and said that he looks <br />forward to working with all the County Commissioners and County staff. <br />3. BOARD ORGANIZATION <br />a. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair <br />The County Commissioners elected Commissioner Gordon as Chair until the first meeting in <br />December, 1999. <br />VOTE: Commissioner Gordon, 3; Chair Brown, 2 <br />Chair Gordon then chaired the remainder of the meeting. She thanked Commissioner Brown <br />for her leadership this last year. She commended her for her tireless efforts and her involvement with many <br />projects this past year. Her problem solving of various issues was very beneficial. She thanked the other <br />commissioners for their wisdom and experience and Barry Jacobs for a new perspective. She said that she <br />looks forward to working with staff. She recognized her husband who continues to support her and her
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