Orange County NC Website
a) Old Chapel Hill - Hillsborough Road (SR 1009) <br />This item was presented by Transportation Planner Slade McCalip for the <br />purpose of receiving citizen comments on the proposed name change of SR 1009 (Town of <br />Hillsborough to New Hope Church Road) from Old Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road to Old NC 86. <br />He mentioned that the residents who live along this section of the road presented a petition at the <br />May 6, 1998 Board of County Commissioners meeting requesting this name change. He <br />indicated that the petitioners had requested that the name be changed to Old Hwy. 86 and that <br />staff, after discussion with the EMS Director, was recommending the name be changed to Old NC <br />86 instead of Old Hwy 86. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: <br />None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD: <br />None <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: <br />Ms. Donna Miller, a resident of this portion of the road, repeated their request to have the <br />road name changed. She indicated that they had no problem with the change being to Old NC 86 <br />rather than Old Hwy. 86. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked those in attendance who support this name change to <br />please stand. Ten people stood in support of this name change. After a brief discussion there <br />was consensus on this name change. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />close the Public Hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />rename Old Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road to Old NC 86. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. Zoning Atlas Amendment <br />a) ® Z-5-98 L. J. Rogers Trucking Co. <br />This item was presented by Jim Hinkley for the purpose of receiving citizen comment on a <br />Planning Staff request to correct an error in the Zoning Atlas in Cedar Grove Township. The <br />proposed rezoning involves a 3.44 acre parcel (Tax Map No. 2.17..1 C) and a 2.06 acre portion of a <br />184 acre tract (Tax Map No.2.17..1) at 7818 NC 49. Operations of L.J. Rogers Trucking Company, <br />Inc., including its general offices, dispatcher facility, training and safety operations, maintenance <br />shops, outdoor storage of semi-trailers, and parking for semi-tractors are situated on these parcels. <br />An error in zoning was discovered when the company applied for a building permit to add a 60' X <br />100' fleet maintenance shop to the complex. The firm was unable to build the new facility because <br />the property is zoned AR. This is a part of a larger agricultural tract of approximately 184 acres. <br />Q:\19981123.doc®