Orange County NC Website
~3irector, and tifr,lt~ck ~2idv4tte;, Harnelar-id Security ~3ranch C'hic;f the 1`C C'itiren carps~Office <br />of thr; Gay°c;rraor ce~r~tact shall he Faye Stcane. 'Che Ctaunty of C~ran~.;e cantucts sh4dl ~ Mahn M. <br />Lityk, 3r., Caunty ~~ana~es, rand the I7esi~rtated Aetnt. The:. County Itilanaaer ~~~ill idc,ntify a <br />DLai~nGated Agent t~'ho is tauthc~rized to si~ra and autarttit rectuircd ~rtant dacutnenttttictn, and wilt <br />idcratify a Faint of C'c~nt€act far rr~utine grant cacardinatcm using the ~ittached L7esi~ntrterl.a~ent <br />:and I'taint of C'tantact fart~ts Ic~at~~d in Annex Hr attached .anti itictar`parat~:d tay rc:fcrence h~:rein. <br />All ttanl~dentit~! infrarrnaticata ca~'either party diselc>sed to the r?ther party in canncct~cara ~. ith the; <br />;en~ices prcal'i~~led hercuttdcr ~~ill lae treated b~ the receiving party as canfiderlti4d anti re:;tricted <br />in its use to only those uses carttcntplated try the terms af`this 1'IC)A..any inforrrzratic€n u> he <br />trcat~ d a c;c~ni`idential rnutit he clearly n~arlc:c:l ,ts cant'id~:ntial prier to tr€rnsrT4itt~<~1 tr> the rather <br />party=. itie.ith~r port}' shill di:airtse to third parties, thy; athc~r p<u`t~v's c;c~niitie:ntiul in±t,rrrZatic~2~ <br />~~~ithaut ~~ritten atatltpri~atian to zlta sty from the ather ptart~°. Spr~citiCally ~:xr:luded from such <br />ctsnhdential tretttinent shall ter; inl`arntatic~n that: (ia as cat the clate~ c.>f disclt~starc andlar cleliti~er}°, <br />is ttlrcady knac~~n tta the pariy re1c-ei~~ng such infarmatian; {ii is or t}ccat€a~s part ~>f the: putali~ <br />dartttain, tttrr~u~*h na fault caf the recei1'in~ patty: (iii is 1a~s t`ully di~clased t~~ the rccei~~in~ party3 <br />1?y a third party whoa is neat ahli~~atcd to retain such int~artt~<ztic~n in; or ~i~~) is <br />itt~3cpendently di;r°;Iaped at ttt~ recci~•in~ paarty by sc~ntetne. neat pri~'y to ttrc %c~nfitlentittl <br />irtfarn7atian, In accrare3anct; ti.'tlr Appendix ,~ of the 1~1' ?{)t:l-~ Stztte. ~°larraelt:rid Ser:ciritt~ CirtYnt <br />~'rca~rarrt C'~uidelines and Application Kit (..annex C i. "t~Ul' rccczt~nitt~s that rntrr:h <~l' the <br />infcarrnatian subt~iitteci in the courae of al?plyin~ far func3ir~~:; unrle:r this pra~;ram. of pra~=ided itl <br />the course of its grant mana~etncnt acti~itic;s, t1Zay he r:aniclerecl ltaw~ enfarcGtnc;nt scnsiti+~a tar <br />otherwise itYtpar'tant to natianal security interests. fihis may inel~zie, thre,~t, risk, rnd needs <br />asses~nt~ ttt infortT7tatiun. acrd discussi<ans at' c3ernct~raphiLs, trLin,spariatic~n, putalc ~~ arks, and <br />ittdustriai rand pittalic health infrastructures. ~~`hile: this int€>rtnxrtit>n i.ti sut~ject to rc.clu~sts nZade. <br />puruant ti} tl7e Frecdarti at Infcarntatican Act tp`~)I:a), ~ t~.S.C'. ~~~? et, seq., tail d4tcrtt~it7atit~ns <br />cc~neerninw, the release of infprrrtatirsn raf this n~turer tare n~ad~: on a c-by-case: ~+asis h~, tltt~ UHS <br />FC~Ir'~ Ol'tic . .' <br />SL'~3COiriTR~CT'ING GNU ~UB~R~~'I'I~ti <br />lrpon appr~?;'al ray ~~ SUC~J', {~T7P, if t Cc~unt}t taf 4rtan~c sutacontract:4 tar sub~raa7ts any c}r ull ~l <br />the ~•c7r1;. rer~uirc:l uncls;r this 1,'IaA, thr~ Caunty~ of C~ran~~c agrees tta include in thi: sutacontract aar <br />r~lta~rtant that the:ttl~ct~ntrae;tc>rr"suhgraaatee is t>aun~3 h~ the terms an~i cat~ditians of this 1~1C}t1~, <br />1'he C'aunty ref C)rtan~e agrees to include in thz sut~cantractl~suh~ rant that the <br />subcc~rttract~+r~`sul~rr~ntt:e shall Itald the Dcpartn~ent of C.rirY}e Cc~rttrul unci f'uhlie Safer}=, <br />~i~•isi~n csf l~mer~e€acy Vianttw4nte:nt harmless a~ain:>t all claittYS at' rvhrate~'rr nature ttrisinS aut <br />cat`Ihe sutacantractar's pertc~rrrtance taf work under this. 1,'IC~A, tra the extent ailcawtstl ar:ci rewired <br />h~' lact~. Tf the Czrunty of C)ran~e sttl~contractslsuta~rants.t calay of the. executed <br />subcantractlsub~Trant a~reerz~ent must be fanvarcled to the I)i~~isian of Iraer~ency ~lartagemerrrt <br />within. tet~ ~ 1~~ days of e~cecutian of said suhcontracttsub~„r:mt. Cc~t2tractual arr~trt~enaent slt~ll in <br />na vcray relieve tht Caunt}d of C7ran~,e of its respc~nsitailitiers to ensure that ~I l funds issued <br />gursua~nt to this Grant tae acimirtstere;d in accardancc ~~'ith tilt state and fedea~! rctlttirern~ttts, Tt <br />C:cautrty raf Oran~c is txaund ray the tz;rnts, canditipti5 and retrctians cif the i~, rrtttt f <br />Hc7metand Security. Office cat' I~camestic T'reparedness. I~Y ~( State f-lametand SecrtX Gz•artt <br />F'ra~rart~xtric~clines tend Application Kit {Anzaex ~). <br />1~Y2{Hkkt t)~iS SHS~,P t~r~arar~lttm tat" A~rntat 4 taf 6 <br />