Orange County NC Website
ill. F ~41UIti A C~~IPE.\St'~"I'I() <br />rill tc:rz7ts anti r:anditigns tttikais i~l(~~ arc cit:l>endertt ~rpc~n .tntl suE?ject to ttte alioc~taan crf funck <br />trorzt L HSr C}L1F' and itae ~partrnent of Crime Can~ral artd Public Safety, IJi~~ isian nt <br />Enaer~ency ~lanagenttnt far the purpose; set. Earth .and rhea ~it~A shall sttttorrtatically tertttin<ttc ' <br />i~urtci cease to be ati'atilalale. ~,llc~~~•able costs shall he deterntittcc3 in ttccart3rinc~ with the G.S. <br />I)cpztrtraar~nt of H~>zrtelrtntl Security, Oflice rrl' IJcantestic ~'re.~ttretine.>s, FY `?f}U~ ~tstts~ llortteltnrl <br />Security Grant l'ra~razta C,~udc;iine anti APplicatittn Kit i;:lnnrx Cl. 2h C.Q.R. Parts ~6, ~i7, <br />:rsari ~Q, ~4~13 C:ir'ctalars ~-21, ~-~"r, ~-1?? anti t~-la3 rind ilia G.S. L?t~J C3t~ee c?f Justice <br />F'rc~~rkrms 1'"inanc;ial ~ruidts a~°ailah€e at }tttp:it~~,~vvi~•,c~~~.usd~}j.~a~~/I~isttJui~kc~'. <br />"Che, l~edcral L7epartment r>f Harrteltand Security r.~~ill reimljurse ih~ State cif \artl~ Caraltta fir <br />ex~nses that 1~:crc alapravetl ran l~3et~aletl l~ud~ct 1L`c~rlESheet as eYplainetl in the FY?t~tk1 <br />SHSGI'. The State. of ~loz~th Carolina, Departrttent crf C'rirttL Canirc}l ::tnd Puk~iic Sttf`~t~`, I~i~~iittn <br />of fntes~~~;nt~y ~Irtnrt;,*errtent t~~ill reimburse local ~t~~~enutt~nts far eiil;ible c~ltcnwcs that. t~~ere <br /><t~pra~ccl ran tla~: I7etaileti Budget ~'~'arkshr;c.ts. The \(;~ Sttbgrant Ittstruc°tivns in :~.nnex .A„ <br />ttttricltctl rind inot-Ixarateci kry refert:nce h~;rc;irt~ tleseril~e ilia T}et~il~1: I3uugct Worksheets and <br />l3aw~ tltcy arc prepared and apgtrot~erl. <br />Th~~: De»;artrttettt of Crintc Ca~tz'~a1 grad P+~171i;: Safety, l.~iti-siotz of Entcr~enc~~ llat}xt~orn~tnt mill <br />reirrtl~ur~e tltc~ ~`c~trni}~ of ~)ran~c fair tl°te actual eligable casts inr;urred, rzctt to etceetl tlae rt-atr~,unt <br />Ut S~),~{1t3. dint: ~l'hausarr~l I'~i~•e Huntlr~ti l:~t~llars (~,t)t)fa.~ tar each C'c?ztttttunity Iaaacr~cncv <br />Respt>nse 'I'er:nt de~•elap~ntent ttnil S 1.5(k7.t~4? fr7r etch Citi~cn Cams Cczuttcil t-te~~c;i~~~rraent~. <br />Funds ~~ill ~ provided by the I>e,itttrtrnent r~fC`rirtte C~rttral d Putalic Safety, ~rzne~. B rtlsa <br />contains tt I'~rrn tEj decline all tit the turtds. <br />'~lI. :~~?11~Ii1~`iC.fiIC?lti OF THI1 ~~t~R)~~1~tEtiT <br />1~I«diilratican cif ihls A~tret:artent must t}e itt t~rtin* .anti urn pr~~~l ~f bcttlt a.rta~ ~xt a~ <br />lrrtadifiea ka}~ atfieial C~1~P Fe~lerrtl {Jz'4uat .lcljustntent ~'r~tzce {Crib. <br />~lli. YRi7P~:I2T'Y <br />`l~!te Caurtty~ at {3ranW~e shall i~ r~spotasib~ fnr ilia cttstc~c3~ anti care t>f rtsty frrc~~er~~> ftirni~heci ftrr <br />ttse in cztnnt:ctican ti~ ith the perfor~n~zttF~ of Ehis a~rcrt~ent and slt<tll reimburse the Clivisian rrf <br />1"-;mergenc~, '~lrinaQernent for arty it~ss or da~a;~e u~ said property until the property is trrinsfcrrcd <br />tc~ another agettey, The. Ue}tstrtratctit ~;tCrime. C'crntrc~l and Public Safety, Dir~isit~n cat Fmerg~:ncy <br />'~Iaraagcttae,rtt S~~iII not he hr:ld re5p,~;~~ible fc~r any t;.quipntent pur~ha.SC,d ley the Sub;~r.isatees. <br />I~. C:U~I.~IUNIC~'1IC)Iti <br />`1~`tr« pra~~itle cc~n~:istent ttnd eff~cti~~e t:amntunic<ttic~n•zCn the County of grange tti tl <br />I~parina~;nt ttf Crime Cont~pl an Public SFat'ety, Di~Tision of Erraer~;ency :L•l4tna~erltent. each <br />prtny shrill. app©int a F'rinci}~itl Itepresenutti~e(s~ to st:r~•e as its centrrl Paint of caratttct <br />responsibl4 ftar c~artlinating and irnplLrtterttin~ this l~l{~~. 'l'he I3eparttaaent cif Crirne Cantral <br />and F'tablic Saf`et}, Dig isitrn of Ezitergentwy Vlartaem~;nt contacts shall 1~ Dr. Kenneth F3, Tayltar, <br />i~Y'?{}{)+i ~H;~ aFiSGP Mesrxarat~ttrrt of At°rrrnt ~ at' ~i <br />