Agenda - 04-12-2011 - 7
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-12-2011
Agenda - 04-12-2011 - 7
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Last modified
4/11/2011 4:43:41 PM
Creation date
4/11/2011 4:43:40 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-12-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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4 <br />6) What viewing and annotation features are needed? <br />We assume the board values easy navigation, with a table of contents available at all <br />times, to allow quick navigation to different agenda items. We assume the board <br />requires the ability to scroll through items independently of one another. We assume <br />the board desires a way to insert bookmarks on items to which they want to <br />frequently refer. We assume the Board requires a mechanism for making annotations.. <br />7) How are annotations handled? <br />Would individual Board members' annotations be considered part of the digital <br />record of each meeting? Would a single annotations field for an entire agenda item <br />suffice? Or would Board members prefer to annotate on the documents themselves, <br />the digital equivalent of hard copy markup? Would those annotations only be <br />viewable by the individual Commissioner who made them? Or would they become <br />viewable among all Board members? <br />8) Can Board members' current Internet connections support <br />paperless agendas? <br />Given the need for Board members to access agenda items from home or on the road, <br />will their current connectivity support access large agendas? IT can work with the <br />individual Board members to assess this, but dial-up and AirCard connections will <br />probably prove to be inadequate to support efficient download of these materials. In <br />some Board members' homes, there is a verified lack of available broadband options. <br />There may be other options, such as delivery of "flash" or USB drives. However, this <br />would of course, eliminate cost savings of no longer delivering paper agendas. <br />9) Will Board members endorse the resources needed to support this <br />technology? <br />Information Technologies support will be needed before, during and after meetings in <br />which this technology is used. Further, support will be necessary for the environment <br />in which the public accesses data. Also, if the chosen solution is an end-to-end agenda <br />creation through distribution and archiving solution, resources will be needed to <br />support the authoring and workflow environment. This could approach a single FTE <br />in required resources. Finally, the Board members themselves will need to arrive <br />early if the chosen solution leverages their laptops, so those machines can be verfied <br />as functional. A not to exceed cost limit may help in selecting the best solution. <br />10) Will hard copies still be available for the public, the Board and <br />staff? <br />This could potentially erode cost savings otherwise realized through print reduction <br />11) Will Board members need the ability to print entire agenda <br />package on demand? <br />Existing printer technology provided for Board members' home offices are generally <br />not adequate for printing the large volumes associated with our agenda packages. <br />This capability will require upgrades of County provided printers. <br />
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