Orange County NC Website
general Asseml~l~ u ~o~'~h arolfna. Sesrou 0~ ~ <br />I ~~ce ~ as ~'av~ded in ., I ~~ ~~3, ~ exits to ~en~o~e ve etation ma be <br />~ x'ant~d for QutdoD~' advertisin locations that have been ern~itted ~`or ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ears rior to <br />3 ~~, date of app~~etion. The ~e~pat~tment ha~~ a~~ro~e o~ ,de~~ an a~~~icat~on ub~nitted <br />4 ursuant to this section includln the fee re u~~+e~ ~ ,, I~~~S,7 ax~~ Il ~~e u~z~eal <br />5 docu~~~tation, w~th~n~~3~ dais of ~~~e recent o,._a~a a~~licio~.,..,for a e~ecti~e v~ etation <br />ren~o~a~ er~~~t. ~f written notice of a ~'o~al or dental ~~ not i~en to tl~e a I~cant wit~t~~~ the <br />7 ~4-da er~od then the a Iicatlon sha~~ he deemed a roved, f the a Iicat~ozx is denied the <br />~ ~epar~men~__~,a~~ advise the, a~p~~cant, ~n w~'itin~ ~e~~ered or cex~,~ed ~na~~,Yz~eturn rece~~t <br />~ re uested addressed to the az to be noticed and. de~~verin t~ tk~e addressee the reaso~~ for <br />~0 the denial. ... ~..~ <br />~ ~ ~b,~ '~~e a~~I~cation,,,s~xa~l be denied„by the De~artn~ent ~fan~ a~the ~~I~o~~~na~; <br />12 The a Xicat~on is far the o el~i~~ of a view to an outdoor adye~~tiin si n <br />~ 3 v~llich has been declared ~~~e al, i cuz_t~ea~fl~ the su~_ect of l~tatio~~, o~_ ~. <br />~4 outdoor advc~~~s~n sI n owner has rece~~red ~~~r~tten nati~"icat~on of an <br />~ ~z~'~rEStl atl~n ~ ~~~ ~~ artn~ent for im e~'~~~sslble act~vl <br />I ~ '~~~. a~~lication ~~ for the o~e~,~~ of a y~e~,~,~o an outdoor dve~~~s~n sign <br />1 ? that was obseuxed from ~Iew at the tune of erection of the si n, <br />IS ~} I~emo~al of ~e etat~on wild adve~'sel affect the safe of the tra~relin <br />~ ~ uc, <br />20 ~ Trees, sh~'ubs, or ~thea~' „'~~etatlan Of .and sari that.., ark re~ue,sted to be. cut <br />~~ thinned ~'ur~ed r removed were panted in aceo~+dax~ce ~~~th a Ioca~ State <br />2~ or federal beautification or en~ironn~enta~ ro'ect but onl to the extent that <br />~3 such ~ant~n was done ad `scent to and. rior to the erection of t~~e outdoor <br />~4 advez~isln s~ n tl~e ~isibl~i of which Is sou lit to be enhanced, <br />~ Trees, shrubs, or other vean of and or~t that axe requested to be cuts <br />~ tb.~~ed r~uned ox4 ren~ayed were lanted In can"u~~ct~on with. dell ned <br />~ noise ba~Ci ]fir but and ~~ the extent that such ~az~tin was done ad'acent to <br />~ and rlor to the e~'ection of the outdoor advez~tisin s~ n tale v~s~bi~i of <br />~~ which ~s sou ht to be enhanced. <br />30 The .~pp~icant, or - his designee, Baas not perfai~rned satisfactoz word <br />~ ~ authari~ed b xe~ious ern~it issued under the rovisions of this section. <br />3~ The De ai"tn~.~nt ins not den n a Iication fora er~x~It if the word <br />3 authorised b~ p~'evious perrnits Issued pu~'suant to t~lis section was erfor.ed <br />~4 ~~ a landscape ~~_chitect or ce~~t~ed arb~r~st, <br />~7,~ TI~e se~ecti~e ve etat~an removal euttin~ or zunin in~ralves o enin off` a <br />3 ~~e~v ~o a ~unk~a~d <br />~7 ~Jnla.~v~u~ destruct~on,,,~,,.or i~le..,_..uttin o~`~„fie eta~i~~~ s de~neal In <br />3S ,~.1~~~33.~ has occurred w~t~~in the ast eve ears ofthe date affilin <br />~~ an a~~Z~ea~~on with the l~e~artme~. fat~a se~ecti~ ~eet~Io~.,,._~en~~vl <br />~ ~ S~T~~N ~'. Art~ole ~ ~ of chapter ~ 3C of the ene~'al Statutes is amended b~ <br />~~ adding a now section to read: <br />~ '". ly~,~, Appeals of sclec#Ivc ~vecta~Ion removal permit deeisiaus <br />~~ tl IIMY ~IIi I-PIT YF~+I ~~p llim~.PPi'M Mrrrl4i~~mi~y. <br />44 A~~ app~ica.~_ _ ~o~~._ a se~ee~~~r ve~etat~on reinova~ ,-~rmit issued u~~uant___to, <br />.__._ _ <br />4 ,5, ~3~-~~3.~ tna a eat a decision of the ~e az~tn~ent e~-tainin to the denial oat.' <br />~~ cond~t~on~n of a exm~t for selective ve etation ~'emo~al uz'suant to t~~e rov~sions o~ this <br />~7 sect~on~ <br />4~ within ~~ da s of service of the ~e a~-trnent's_ dee~sicn to a~en~ a~ eandlt~on a <br />4~ se~ect~ve ~e etation removal erm~t issued ursuant to .5, l~~13~,~- the a lleant sb.a~I <br />5a ~~lbn~~t . written apnea to the Secr~ax~ Df Trans~oi-tati~n s~t~~~a forth ~~lth ~~-t~CUt.rl~y...~~.~ <br />51 facts and ai~ uinents u on which the a cal is based The a lead shall be sent to tae eereta~ <br />L ..~, <br />l?ae ~ Senate bill ~ 83~1~ first dltlon <br />