general ,~ssen~bl off' ~or~h Carolina e~io~~ X01 ~ ~
<br />1 en.__.a,_~r~o~~on of ~~~ outdoor ~4dyert~s~n ~~,~~~~~ .pct has been. d~sco~r~F~d, the
<br />2 dit~+~c~ en lnee~ si~a~~ notl the e~xni~ ~ ~i~an~ b re is~ered o~ a~~t~~a~ mail return ~ie~e~ ~
<br />~ requested, addressed to the park to ,be, no~~ced,, end delivering to the_add~_essee, in writingthe
<br />~ zeason_for tl~e denial and the statutes ar ru~es,fo~~~~,*~e basis for the de~a~a~.,,a~d include a
<br />5 cod of the Act. ~ .,,
<br />-,
<br />~ ~'he Depa~~t~r~ent shah nod issue pern~xts„for,,,r~ey~ outdoor adyer~is~r~ ~~ at a sib
<br />7 Iacat~or~ fol° a er~od of Five Tears ~~here the ur~~a~-ful destt~ction o~~ x~~e ~ coffin of
<br />S ve etatio~~ has occur~ied thin 5~o feet on ether s~dc of the ~Fo osed s~ n lacat~on and as
<br />~ ne~u_~~e:._ a~~~. _th~ edge of ~ayemen~ ~f the a~r~ ~x~~,,,ra~r of the nearest co~t~a~ied route.
<br />~D for the ur oyes of this section unla~fu~ destruction ar i~~e a~ eu~tin is defined as the
<br />~ I destruct~on_ ~r cutt~r~~ _of trees, shrubs, or Other ~Te~ett~o~ Qn tl~e State-owned Or r~a~nta~ned
<br />~ rl hts-af a b an gone ot~~er t~a~a the De ar~tlnent or 1tS aut~ior~~ed a ants or ~4'~lthout ~iaiten
<br />~~ ~ermiss~an of the ~e~~~tment,
<br />~ ~ Before a Brit ~ denied ursuant to ubsect~an c of t~~~s section the De a~-trne~~t
<br />~ 5 sha1~ determine and disclose to, th~~,.,a~~~cant substantial n~ater~a~ „e~v~dence that the un~a~~fnl
<br />~ destruction ar the a~ cuttln ~~~as done h tie a licant or the oy~ner o the ro osed si n ar
<br />~ 7 their a ants, ernlo~ees, or eontraeto~__ a~~d,. eras erfor~ned ~`o~r t~e.,,...~ul~ase of creat~z~~,
<br />S ~n~~easin or an~~z~ov~n~ a vle~ to a ~ro~ased o~t~oa~ ~.a~~e~tsln s~ n fro~,~~b.e main-tra~e~e
<br />9 ~v~~ of ~l~e meat°~~t con~~~o~~ed route,
<br />~~ ~ '~k~e ~~-~~e~~ ~er~od shali begin on the date, the ~Dea~~t~rlent executed ~ settlement
<br />2~ a eee~~t or final des asition ofthe case is entered, .
<br />~ Sub1ect to subsection ~d~ of this section, the fiv,_yea~i.z~ohlbltlo~l ~e~~~od for a ne~v
<br />--- - - - • ,,. r . .~~,...
<br />~ ~si n ermit sha~~ a ~ to a~~ s~ locations includin the fa~~ow~n
<br />24 ~ i locat~or~s ~~her the unla~vfu.l destruction or ~~~e al coffin of ve etation
<br />~ occurs rear to the tzn~e the location becomes a confor~lin lacat~on~
<br />2~ ~ locat~al~s where a revocation of all eist~~l e~•~zt has been u end and
<br />7 ~ sign has been removed.
<br />~ ~3,~ i~~ locations where the unlawful destruction or i~c~a~ coffin occurs r~or
<br />~ to xeceat ofan outdoor advertis~t~,~c~•it~
<br />~~ Sin ~ocatiar~s ~~here the unla~~._ a~estruction or i~leal coffin occurs
<br />~ ~ fol~o~v~n~_.recei~t ofan outdoor adve~~t~s~n~,.,~~ai~ a~l~cat~on~ but ~r~or to
<br />3~ tie ~s~uance ofthe el~nit b~ the ~e~artm~ent.
<br />33 ~ ~'he De~altmen~ sha~~ n~at issue ~el~rlits for ne~v autdoa~~ adyertisin~~~s.._t a sib
<br />34 tocatlorl where exlst~n~ee, _~~' ~~~~ were to reach the average n7.atur~ sire for that species,
<br />~ ~ '~ - iected not coln~~ete~_~r~s~ble from~_ ~h ~~~n
<br />~ rou lna e t ~e ro ose sl,~n aces, ~~ e~ e~ ~...._a ,
<br />~ zone. "Existing trees"" are those trees that at ~~e~~~e off` thet~~e a~~za~ion are ~or~~~ ~~c~es or
<br />37 ~~eter ~n dia~~aeter as measured six inches from the z~o~~d. ~'V~ew~n~o~e"" means the area
<br />~ wl~~ch is ~0~ feet as measured along the edge of the rna~n~trave~ed ~~ay of the controlled route
<br />9 on each side of t~~c ro osed s~ n st~~ucture ~lilch ill ~~ave a s~ face, - - -
<br />~a ~ ~ outdoor adyertisin~erlnit requested~~uxsuant to .~. ~3~~,.,~9~a}~4} shall rat be
<br />4 ~ Xssu~d ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ the Z~~n ~~ CO1n1~~rCla Dr ~l~dustr~al pones 4vas ado tad ~vlthln ~~ ear
<br />~~ rlar to the ~~ln of tl~c el~nit a lication and ~s not art of corn rehens~ve ~on~n ar
<br />43 constitutes s of ~on~n ~rhlcl~ for u ores of this su.bsectiot~ shail be defined as ~onlr~
<br />4~4 desi ed 14in~aril for the ul ose ~~' errn~ttin outdoor advertiin sl ns and in an area which
<br />4S oula~ nab naall~ ~~~•nait outdoor adyet~tlstn, ~~~,s~~a~l not be co~~~dered "~ri~n~W~~~ fo~~
<br />4~ the ur ose of el~nittin outdoor advertisin s~ ns"" ~~ the zanin ~~vauld ailo~v far the ro e
<br />~7 to be used for more t~~an one ~rincia~ corrl~r~exclal or industrial ose# __other than ,~~~aol+
<br />~R advertising, and the size of the hand beln..zoned can ~ractlcall~ u~~~~~t such coerc~a~ or
<br />~~ lndustriai uses.
<br />50 outdoor advertising ~ermlts sh~~l„~z~at be issued to a lo~a~~on for a,.,.~~~~od of 1
<br />5 ~ ~~onths rior to the ra osed iettin of a ne~y construction contract that n~a affect the s acin
<br />~~~ ~ Senate Bill ~. ~~~~lrt Edition
<br />