general As~e~nbr of Noah ~'oZina ~ ~
<br />~' ess~on D1~.
<br />i ~~e~istered or cer#~~ed rnait, re#uz`~~ receipt ~eque#ed, addressed to the ecre#~x., and
<br />deii~~er~n to the addressee ~#~x . co to t~~e e ar~~nen# officiai mho issued the decision
<br />po~~ recei~# off' the Britten a~~~a~,~ the ecre~a of Trans~~~ta#ion__~~~al~ revue #ha
<br />4 ~vr~tten a eai and the ~e artmen#' decision as rci~ a an a~aiiahie documents a~hibi# or
<br />~ o#her evidence bear~n an the a eat and shall ~•ender the a enc '~ ~na~ decision su o~~ed h
<br />d f~nd.~~s of fact and, ,~an~iuio~~~ a~:.,~a~v. The f~n,~,.,a enc~ dee~~on ~ha~ ~e ~ee,_u~an the
<br />7 a eaiin ~ b re is#ered or eert~~ed a~~ retu~•~~ rece~ # rc ues#ed addressed to the
<br />S app~ican#, and dei~ver~n~ to the addressee, ~~lthln 9a dais af#er _t~le ec~•e~at~y receives the
<br />~ ~~r~##en ei. A eo of t~~e enc ' fnai decision snail also he delivered to the ~e a~~tment
<br />l 4 off 1C~a~ '~rha issued. the ~nl#~ai dee~5~on,
<br />l l A erson a reeved b decision ~r~ade ursuat~~ #o this sectio~z Ana seed 'udicial
<br />l ~ review of the final a envy de~~s~an ~ursuan~ to C., i~~,,-i ~4. i ."
<br />l~ ~CTI~ S, ~xticle ~ ~ of ~ha #er X36 ~,~af the general ~.#tes is amended b
<br />~ ~
<br />l4 adding a ne~v sec#ian to read;
<br />~ '" 13d-1~,~, c~ecfive ~~ec~atiou ~•ernnya~ hermits,
<br />~ ~ ,~ exec#ed vegetation ~#hin the a~~~~o~ed lin~~~,,. shall be cu#, thinrzed`runed, or
<br />I7 ren~o~ed b the ermittee or his a ent in accordance ~~#~~ yacce ted ~n#e~•nat~o~~al ocie of
<br />~ 8 Arbe~•~cnlture ~~A} s#az~dard,s.
<br />l ~b,~ Perif_.._.~ie .valid for a,~~ericd of one.,,,y~earl The ~ez~nittee Ana. e~~, #hi~,, prune, ~~'
<br />20 remove ve e#ation more #lxan one time er ear. A. 4S~haur no#i~ica#ian sha~~ he rovidcd #o the
<br />Depa~x~ent b~ the ern~~~tee before en~~in the r~g~#µcf ~,
<br />~~ The errnittee or l~~s a en# s~~all ~1Qt inn ede the Flo a~ traffic on an ~~ h~va
<br />~3 ~~hite erfo~~nin ye e#at~on removal autl~ori~ed h a ermi#, Access #o the ~vor~ site on
<br />~4 can#ralied access hih~uays ~~~ be gained„~~hout us~n the main #~;a~re~ ~~a~~,ofthe h~~~~ra~.
<br />2 The dxv~s~on raads~de env~ron~nental en ineer shall de#er~ne the #raf~c control si na a t~~at
<br />..,..._ ,_,_..._..Y.....,--
<br />~~ anal he requkr~, The pet`~nittee~sall furnish, erect, and a~ntain the rewired sins as directed
<br />7 b the division roadside cn~ironen#l en ineer, The ermi#tee ar his~~.a ent shall wear +safe
<br />~S vcs#s #ht confor,,,~o.~A stand~ds ~~hile ~~~.~~rinin #g he work.
<br />~9 An dairza e #a ve etation desi aced to remain at the sl#e #o hi h~ua fez~ces si t~s
<br />~ ~a~eal. areas, or o#her ~ac~litics shall be re aired o~ ze faced b~ the ~erml#tee to the condit~an
<br />l rior #o the occurrence of the dan~a e caused b the e~~xii##ee or his a en#, Ail trim~nin s la
<br />_ ,_„
<br />2 and debris shall be removed from the r~ ht~of ~~ and dis osed of in areas ro~idcd b the
<br />3~ per~rnittee, :.burning or burn of trirnz~in sr , lad M~.o~ debris _hall be e~~riied on the
<br />3~ hi h~va ~`~ ht~af~~~ra . then chi in is used #o dis ose of trii~miri s c17~ s ma be neatl
<br />35 ~~read on a r~~a~-~~~ra~ a# ieca.t~~n~ ~~rhicix the ~e~~ar#n~en# de#ermines ~yiil na# he i~arn~h~~ #o
<br />3b the enviilanment ar affect traffic safe .
<br />~7 ~ iilful fa~~ure to substan~~a~l~ coin~~~y Sri#h all the iequiren~,nt s~e~ficd In .,,~~
<br />~S selec#ive ve c#a#ion ~•en~a~ral erml# unless o#her~ylse inutua~l ~resnlved b the ~e at~tm.ent and
<br />the pex`nai#tee, shall resul# in a f ire ~ea~~ more#o~{~un~ for vee~a#ion ~•~_ ava~ a~ , the ~i#e~
<br />~a sun~rn~ revoca#ion of the ou#door ad~ertisin e~~nit if such willful failure meets the
<br />4 l s#nd~•ds in 1 . l 3 ~- i 3,31 ~~}, ua~i~ent of ~e~arfn_ ~et~# ir~~es#~a#i~e easfs and ~'orfci#ure_ of
<br />4~ an a livable erfo~•m.ance bond a determined b the ecre# ,The n~oratoriun~ shall be in
<br />. .
<br />~-3 upon _e.ecu#ion of a se#tle~xien# a reerr~e~.~ o~~ ~n#r~ _a~ a ~nai d.~s~o~i#ion in #~~e,"
<br />44 ~~TZ~ 9, Article l l of ha der l ~ 6 of the general #atu#es ~ amended b
<br />~ ~
<br />~~ adding a ne~~r sectla~ #a read:
<br />4 '# ~G~133 ~cnza~ al' a per~ni~ for proposed uu~door adycrtisin
<br />YiSiY~~iW'~
<br />4'~ ,~ then a_ d.~~r~ct engineer, deterrnines~„~~~at a pro~~ed outdoor ad.~e~~~S1~~,~~U~e
<br />4$ auld r~Ot conform to #hc standa~`ds of autdoor adye~`~iSiil ~, het ou# iil #l~e ~u#door Advert~sin
<br />4~ one#ral Act the des#ric# en ineer snail refuse #o issue a e~`rnit for that ro ased ou#door
<br />5 a a.dvez~Eisin s~ructure~
<br />enatc Bill l 8' y~ars# ~d~tion page 7
<br />