2011-425 Solid Waste - UNC Chapel Hill Landfill Gas Project Pipeline Easement Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
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General Contracts and Agreements
2011-425 Solid Waste - UNC Chapel Hill Landfill Gas Project Pipeline Easement Agreement
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Last modified
8/7/2012 11:03:28 AM
Creation date
4/6/2011 11:47:09 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 04-05-2011 - 5d
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20 <br />Gasline Easement 3 <br />Beginning at a point on the westerlyright-of--way of the Southern Railroad, <br />having NAD 83-2007 grid coordinates of N: 804600.77, E: 1979753.72 and <br />being a common corner with the Town of Chapel Hill parcel, Deed Book 459, <br />Page 340; thence along the westerly right-of--way of the Southern Railroad S <br />08°11'01" E a distance of 24.71 feet to a point in said right-of--way; thence <br />departing the westerly right-of--way of the Southern Railroad the following <br />courses and distances: <br />N 32°03'27" W, 1475.85 feet to a point; thence <br />N 23°08'42" W, 258.87 feet to a point; thence <br />S 89°06'52" W, 1017.17 feet to a point; thence <br />N 89° 13'48" W, 247.32 feet to a point; thence <br />N 87° 14'44" W, 286.92 feet to a point; thence <br />S 89°39'08" W, 14.38 feet to a point; thence <br />N 02°25'02" W, 10.01 feet to a point on the southern property line of the <br />Orange County parcel, Deed Book 2894, Page 274; thence along the southern <br />property line of Orange County N 89°39'08" E, 15.01 feet to a point, being the <br />common corner with the Judy Nunn Ellison-Snipes & Roger E. Snipes parcel, <br />Deed Book 3907, Page 393; thence with the southern property line of the 3udy <br />Nunn Ellison-Snipes & Roger E. Snipes parcel S 87°14'44" E, 287.02 feet to <br />an existing iron pipe in said line; thence with said line 5 89°13'48" E, 247.00 <br />feet to an axle found, being the common corner with the Dalawar Singh & <br />Preeti Singh parcel, Deed Book 4558, Page 259; thence with the southern <br />property line of the Dalawar Singh &Preeti Singh parcel and the Marvin <br />Goldy McPherson, Jr. & Barbara A. Donadio parcel, Deed book 294, Page <br />414; thence with the southern line of the Marvin Goldy McPherson, Jr. & <br />Barbara A. Donadio parcel N 89°06'52" E, 1023.74 feet to a point, common <br />corner with the Town of Chapel Hill parcel, Deed Book 459, Page 340; thence <br />with the western line of the Town of Chapel Hill parcel S 23°08'42" E, 264.80 <br />feet to a point in said line; thence with said line S 32°03'27" E, 1452.48 feet to <br />the point of beguining containing 32,953 square feet or 0.76 acre, more or less. <br />TCE Easement 3 <br />Beginning at a point on the westerly right-of--way of the Southern Raikoad, <br />having NAD 83-2007 grid coordinates of N: 804600.77, E: 1979753.72 and <br />being a common corner with the Town of Chapel Hill parcel, Deed Book 459, <br />Page 340; thence along the westerly right-of--way of the Southern Railroad S <br />08° 11' O1" E a distance of 24.71 feet to the point of beginning; thence along <br />the westerly right-of--way of the Southern Railroad S 08°11'01" E a distance of <br />24.71 feet to a point; thence departing the westerly right-of--way of the <br />Southern Railroad the following courses and distances: <br />N 32°03'27" W, 1499.23 feet to a point; thence <br />N 23°08'42" W, 252.93 feet to a point; thence <br />
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