<br />S 90°00'00" E, a distance of 418.35 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 02°21'58" E, a distance of 514.93 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 35°39'06" W, a distance of 274.57 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 14°14'41" E, a distance of 375.62 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 46°18'37" E, a distance of 134.37 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 02°25'02" E, a distance of 135.86 feet to the point and place of beginning,
<br />containing 18,431 square feet or 0.42 acre, more or less.
<br />Temporary Construction Easement 1
<br />Beginning at a point being the southeast corner of the property of the Town of
<br />Chapel Hill, Deed Book 245, Page 788, having NAD 83 (NSRS 2007} grid
<br />coordinates of N: 806076.54', E: 1977321.42', and being a common corner
<br />with Gertrude F. Nunn, Deed Book 3907, Page 395, and Orange County, Deed
<br />Book 2894, Page 274; thence along the line with Orange County S 89°39'08"
<br />W, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point; thence departing the line with Orange
<br />County the following courses and distances:
<br />N OZ°25'02" W, a distance of 135.86 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 46°18'37" W, a distance of 134.37 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 14°14'41" W, a distance of 375.62 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 35°39'06" E, a distance of 274.57 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 02°21'58" W, a distance of 514.93 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 90°00'00" W, a distance of 418.35 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 09°56'30" W, a distance of 5.08 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 90°00'00" E, a distance of 424.04 feet to a point in the line of Orange
<br />County, Deed Book 4247, Page 413; thence along the line with Orange County
<br />S 02°17'51" E, a distance of 11.42 feet to an existing iron pipe being a
<br />common corner with Jacqueline Upperman, Deed Book 170, Page 414; thence
<br />along the line with Jacqueline Upperman S 02°19'27" E, a distance of 300.02
<br />feet to an existing iron pipe being a common corner with Duke Energy
<br />Corporation, Deed Book 1608, Page 252; thence along the line with Duke
<br />Energy Corporation S 02°25'44" E, a distance of 200.17 feet to an existing
<br />iron rod being a common corner with Gertruge F. Nunn, Deed Book 3907,
<br />Page 395; thence along the line with Gertrude F. Nunn S 02°28'32" E, a
<br />distance of 9.82 feet to a point; thence departing the line with Gertrude F.
<br />Nunn thefollowing courses and distances:
<br />S 35°39'06" W, a distance of 274.00 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 14°14'41" E, a distance of 371.86 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 46°18'37" E, a distance of 134.75 feet to a point in the line with Gertrude F.
<br />Nunn; thence along the line with Gertrude F. Nunn S 02°28'32" E, a distance
<br />of 138.20 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 9,231 square feet
<br />or 0.21 acre, more or less.
<br />Temporary Construction Easement 2
<br />