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Commissioner Gordon asked what would happen if the University decided down the road that they could not <br />do this project or if it does not materialize. John Link said that the County Commissioners would then reevaluate their <br />options at that point. This proposal is based on all the parties working together toward a common goal. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to take the following <br />action: <br />• Endorse the use of the footprint on the Southern Human Services Center property as identified on the map in the <br />agenda for future development of a senior center. Approximately 1.25 acres of County property would be combined <br />with additional University property to accommodate a campus for aging services, including the senior center and <br />other aging related University facilities, and <br />• Authorize the Manager to continue working toward an agreement with the University to solidify a land-sharing <br />arrangement to accommodate the proposed facilities; and <br />• Authorize the Manager to develop a lease extension with the Galleria of North Carolina, LLC for the Chapel Hill <br />Senior Center, consistent with terms identified on attachment 2 and contingent upon Attorney and staff review, and <br />• Authorize the Chair to sign the lease on behalf of the Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Price Creek Estates - Preliminary Plan <br />This item was deleted. <br />The meeting was continued to 10:45. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Proposal for Health Department to Contract with Early Head Start <br />The Board considered a contract with Early Head Start for two grant-funded family service coordinator <br />positions in the Health Department. <br />Health Director Rosemary Summers said that they are seeking the Board's approval to contract with the <br />Chapel Hill Training Outreach for two family service coordinator positions through the Federal grant they have received <br />to develop an Early Head Start Program in Orange County. She explained the program and said that approximately 50 <br />families would be served by the contracted positions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to receive the report <br />and approve the development of a proposed contract arrangement that will establish two permanent, time-limited family <br />service coordinator positions. The contract will include short-term and long-term performance measures. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Community Child Protection Team Annual Report <br />The Board heard the annual report from the Community Child Protection Team. <br />Dr. Desmond Runyan, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Pediatrics, presented the report. He recognized <br />agencies that serve on this team. He said that Community Child Protection Teams were established in May 1991 by <br />Executive Order 142 to: <br />• promote a community-wide approach to the problem of child abuse and neglect <br />• advocate for children and families <br />• review select cases in which child abuse, neglect or dependency is found, and <br />• promote safety for all children <br />He explained the intake procedure, investigations, and treatment services of the Child Protection Services unit. He <br />summarized the inquiries received by CPS and noted that the number of children in DSS custody has risen 17% since <br />June 1995. For fiscal year 1998, the CPS unit has received 708 referrals with 38.6% substantiated. The <br />recommendations from the Community Child Protection Team are listed below: <br />The County should ensure that the caseload size is in compliance with established standards to assure the highest <br />level of protection is available for children in Orange County. <br />The County should set aside $50,000 per year over the next three years to assist with the start-up costs for a group <br />home facility established to meet the needs of our community's children. <br />The County should continue to set aside funds to be used as needed for testing parents for drugs who have a <br />history of substance abuse and are abusing/neglecting their children.