Orange County NC Website
GECAL F10369 127.39 <br />Mcbride, Frank White C10591 97.54 <br />Mcbride, Frank White D10683 87.74 <br />Mcbride, Frank White El 9272 82.07 <br />Mercedes Benz Credit Corp. F12022 124.40 <br />Dennis Clements 186817 51.10 <br />Rudolph A. Renfer, Jr. 202009 150.45 <br />e. Contract Renewal with Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools for Carrboro Library <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools to <br />continue public library services in the McDougle Elementary and Middle schools. <br />f. Desianation of Northern Human Services Center Southern varkina Lot as a Regional Park and Ride <br />Lot for Advertisement and Promotion bV Triangle Transit Authority <br />The Board approved a recommendation by the Orange County Transportation Advisory Board designating <br />the Northern Human Services Center's southern parking lot as a regional park and ride lot and authorized the Chair to <br />sign the resolution of intent. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Quarterly Public Hearing Advertisement - Nov. 23, 1998 <br />The Board considered the legal advertisement for its Nov. 23, 1998 quarterly public hearing. <br />Planner Karen Lincoln summarized the items. She distributed amendments to the advertisement and <br />explained that this change will only take one alternative watershed management option to the November 23 public <br />hearing - the Large-Lot/Creative Open Space option recommended by the OWASA Board of Directors. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the <br />Quarterly Public Hearing Advertisement as presented and amended. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. N.C. Health Choice Plan for Orange County <br />The Board considered a plan to implement the N.C. Health Choice children's insurance program and <br />establishing one permanent full-time position and a one-year time-limited position, both of which would be funded by <br />state and federal grants. <br />Rosetta Moore, Chair of the DSS Board, said that she is pleased to join with the Health Board and Piedmont <br />Health Services to present a plan to implement the N.C. Health Choice Children's Insurance program. It is estimated <br />that 1,000 or more uninsured children in Orange County are eligible for this program or the Medicaid program. The <br />DSS Board is asking the County Commissioners to accept the plan and to establish one permanent full-time position <br />and a one-year time limited position and to accept the grant funds that were allocated to the Health Department to assist <br />with this program. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to approve the <br />Health Choice Plan which includes the creation of 2 positions, one full-time permanent caseworker, and 1 time limited <br />caseworker position for one year, and accept the state grant of $1,497 for outreach activities. <br />VOTE UNANIMOUS <br />c. i ax Keruna Keguest - rrances MiKies <br />The Board considered a resolution denying one property tax refund request. <br />Rod Visser said that North Carolina law basically provides three reasons for a refund. The owner is <br />requesting a refund based on incorrect measurements which is not a valid defense for a refund as defined in G.S. 105- <br />381 (a) (1): a tax imposed through clerical error, an illegal tax, or a tax levied for an illegal purpose. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Chair Margaret Brown to grant a refund to <br />Frances Mikles because of a clerical error. <br />VOTE: AYES, 2, NOS, 2 (Commissioners Crowther and Gordon) <br />This will come back on the next agenda for reconsideration. <br />d. Senior Center Update <br />The Board considered options for development of a senior center in southern Orange County. <br />John Link summarized background information. He presented a short-term recommendation to extend the <br />lease at the Galleria through June 30, 2006 and said that long-term there would be a joint venture between the <br />University and the County on the Homestead site with the County allowing the use of 1.25 acres. <br />Director of Purchasing and Central Services Pam Jones showed the footprints for the Southern Human <br />Services Center and where this project would be located.