Minutes - 19981104
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19981104
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4/28/2015 3:21:17 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:37:34 PM
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Agenda - 11-04-1998
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 11-04-1998
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Geoffrey Gledhill said that he is not sure what the Planning Board did. He does not know what it means <br />that they did not accept the resolutions from Carrboro. However, in order to do what Carrboro wants to do, there must <br />be a Joint Planning Area public hearing involving Orange County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The public hearing will <br />accomplish the amendment of the Joint Planning Area Agreement. Following this public hearing, Orange County, <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill would need to amend their plans and that has not occurred. There was a public hearing on <br />the land use map amendment. The next step is for Carrboro to notify Orange County of amendments to their <br />ordinances incorporating text amendments and this has not happened. He thinks that all these text amendments have <br />been presented, but if they have not, then that step needs to take place. <br />David Stancil said that the Planning Board has a special meeting scheduled for next Wednesday night to deal with <br />these ordinance amendments. John Link said Carrboro has been notified that these ordinance amendments need to be <br />ready by next Wednesday. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that staff get together and get this straightened out by the end of the Planning <br />Board meeting with a schedule that can be easily understood and communicated to everyone. <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Chair Brown dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />3. BOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he spoke with some folks down at the Board of Elections and heard some <br />disturbing news of people being videotaped going into one of the polling places in Hillsborough. He sees this as voter <br />intimidation. They said that they were trying to prevent voter fraud. He suggested that if we are going to have rules and <br />regulations on placing signs, that they should be enforced or we should not have them. He demonstrated how one <br />candidate stapled his sign on top of his sign using the same stake. <br />Chair Margaret Brown shared with the Board a letter she received from the Department of Transportation about <br />improving Buckhorn Road and widening the bridge. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />Geoffrey Gledhill made reference to legislative goals for utility route selection, school construction and annexation <br />and said that he spoke about all three of these before the legislative goal committee of the NCACC. The committee did <br />not feel they should take a position on utility route selection. This did not mean that they would not support it if the <br />County Commissioners took this forward. There was unanimous and enthusiastic support about streamlining school <br />construction. They will recommend that the Association support this. With reference to annexation, they were <br />interested in what he said about the County wanting some control on annexations by towns. However, this was too <br />broad a topic and they indicated that they will schedule a full day meeting on this along with one other item. <br />5. RESOLUTIONSIPROCLAMATIONS <br />NOTE FROM CLERK: The following proclamation was approved on October 26, 1998 and is incorporated into these <br />minutes as a permanent record. <br />PUBLIC PROCL_A1VLATION <br />REGARDING USE OF WATER OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM SUPPLIED BY THE ORANGE- <br />ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH AND FROM ANY RAW WATER <br />SUPPLY WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY USED BY THE ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND THE <br />TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSERVATION OF WATER DURING A <br />WATER SHORTAGE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF WATER AND WATER WITHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING <br />AUGMENTED STREAM FLOW FROM RESERVOIRS, <br />I, Margaret Brown, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, having been provided with information that the water <br />level of Lake Orange is more than 37 inches below full do hereby issue this PUBLIC PROCLAIviATION declaring to all persons <br />that a stage III water shortage WARNING is now in effect applicable to users of water from the public water system supplied by the <br />Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. and the Town of Hillsborough. The following mandatory water conservation restrictions are <br />now applicable:
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