Orange County NC Website
5 <br />DRAFT <br />I~v[~EREA, to distinguish and separate the revenues produced by this % cent ~[~ tax it <br />approved b grange bounty voters, a pec'rai Revenue Fund rii~ be established tv receive <br />and accoun# for the sales tax revenue. These funds vuill remain separate from the county's <br />general fund to ~Ilo~r fir r~~re accurate tracl~ing of revenues and expenditures in accordance <br />pith initial five year a[locativn plan established as part of this reso[utian; <br />l~l~ily, THB~BFORB, BB lT RE~L116~ TFIAT the grange bounty Board of orr~rnisi~ner <br />hereby states ~ its intent to use the revenues from the Article 4 on~~quarter cent ~~~~} <br />bounty sales and use tax, if approved by the voters of grange County, far currently unfunded <br />or underfunded econan~ic development and public school capita[ needs far a priad of ten <br />years ~vith a scheduled irnpler~er~tatior~ data of Agri[ ~ , ~0~ ~. <br />BE lT FURTI~BR R~LVB~ THAT proceeds from the one^,quarter cent ~~~4~} County sales <br />and use tax in later years aril[ be used to address priorities as established by the Board of <br />omr~issioners in the County's Capita[ lnvestr~ent Plan <br />This the day ~f , ~~~~~ <br />Bernadette Pelissierf Chair <br />grange County Board of Con~n~issi~ners <br />