Agenda - 04-07-2011 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-2011
Agenda - 04-07-2011 - 2
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Last modified
8/3/2012 4:56:49 PM
Creation date
4/5/2011 9:14:20 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-07-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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<br />DRAFT <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A Resolution Regarding Uses of Potential Revenues <br />from aOne-Quaver Cent (114¢} County Sales and Use Tax <br />UvH~~~A, there are significant pressing infrastructure economic development, school, and <br />other County capital needs that are precipitated by growth pressures and the nevi economic <br />reality facing Orange bounty; and <br />1fvHBR~A, it is important to provide Orange County taxpayers Frith alternatives to the <br />pressure to raise propertytaxes to address these and other County needs; and <br />v~fHBRBAB, the levy of a Article ~ one~quarter cent ~~14~} County sales and use tax Mould <br />provide a new County revenue source and v~rauld generate appraxirr~ately ,50a,aaa <br />annually forthe County; and <br />UvH~R~AB, it i important far Orange County to plan for future economic development that <br />v~ill enable the County to recruit, retain, grow, and generate businesses and jobs that are <br />desirablet and <br />UIfH~R~~~ it is important that Orange County expand collaboration and cooperation of <br />econor~ic develop~ent efforts and decisions bet~veen Orange County and the to~rns of <br />Chapel Hill, Carrbara and Hillsborough and the cities of Mebane and ~~urham; and <br />l~1fH~REA, it is important far Orange County to meet public schaol needs; and <br />Ulf HBR~AB, the Beard of Commissioners establishes a year commitr~ent to allocate Article <br />4 one-quarter cent ~~~~} County sales and use tax proceeds as folla~rs: <br />a. 5g°l~ of the funding Mill be allocated in an equitable manner betvueen the County's t~ra <br />school systems for the dedicated purpose of facility in~proven~ents at ;alder' schools <br />~rithin all of Orange County and the procurement of technologyr each school system <br />v~ill establish a list of prioritized greeds far older schools vuithin the County Funding <br />provided by the passage of the referendum gill be allocated to those priaritixed <br />projects, Progress v~ill be evaluated annually and ad~ustn~ents made according to <br />needs agreed upon by the schaol Boards and Beard of County Commissioners; <br />b. 0°l~ of the funding ~vill be allocated to fund infrastructure improvements needed for <br />economic develaprnent initiatives that recruit ne~f businesses, expand existing <br />businesses, provides fundi~rg far small business loans to grog businesses in Orange <br />County; <br />UIfH~REA~ if additional funding does not came from the one-quarter Dent {~1~4~ County <br />sales and use tax, the property tax vrill be the primary funding source available far schools <br />and economic developrrrrrt initiatives; <br />
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