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Better define conditional districts so that rural areas are not subject to conditions that fit the <br /> EDDs. <br /> Priorities for Phase 2 —that are important to the rural community <br /> We will also talk about process transparency and how conditional districts are working in <br /> the towns. <br /> A common thread is for the Comprehensive Plan —which many of you have worked on - <br /> to guide future land use planning, conditional uses, and zoning. <br /> Please appreciate that we did not plan to get involved in Phase 1 at all because we believed <br /> that it was a consolidation of existing ordinances and that changes would be deferred to Phase <br /> 2. <br /> I personally attended a public information session last summer. The 2 or 3 hour session <br /> focused on organization, table of contents, formats and colors. Conditional zones were <br /> mentioned at the tail end of a long night with no discussion about how they were being applied. <br /> Please know that we are not anti-development- we are anti sprawl. We believe that the UDO <br /> and well defined conditional districts will make it easier to attract the development we want. <br /> If you agree with our comments, we are committed to work with the county and the planning <br /> board to correct the Phase 1 UDO and move quickly onto Phase 2. <br /> Speaker 2: Enhance Conditional Zoning Districts to support the rural community <br /> (Marilee McTigue) <br /> After attending the January 27th public information session and generally feeling <br /> overwhelmed by the complexity of the UDO, I decided to read all 824 pages of the document <br /> plus Article 7 of the current ordinance plus all Planning Board minutes related to this topic and <br /> meet with Craig Benedict to review my questions. I find the overall approach to the UDO to be <br /> sound and believe that the implementation of Conditional Districts is a significant improvement <br /> in the ordinance. I particularly appreciate the ability to limit uses and specify conditions. I also <br /> believe that it will help us take an important step forward in our efforts to improve economic <br /> development in the Economic Development Districts, commercial zones and highway corridors. <br /> However, I do have a concern about how the Conditional Zoning Districts relate specifically to <br /> the rural community. <br /> • I determined that the language that identified specific requirements for appropriate <br /> planned development, from Article 7 of the existing ordinance, has been eliminated <br /> in the UDO. This language explained how things like industrial or commercial <br /> development should be placed near transportation corridors and public utility <br /> services. It is this language that clarified how the Economic Development Districts <br /> differ in character and purpose from the rural areas. Unfortunately, those distinctions <br /> have now been lost with the elimination of these important elements. <br /> • I also determined that most categories of planned development have been combined <br /> into a single Conditional District called Master Plan Development or MPD-CZ. Five <br /> different Planned Development districts including Industrial, commercial, residential, <br /> mixed use, and office/institutional have been combined into this single district. It <br /> allows virtually any use, including light, medium and heavy industrial. In what I <br /> believe to be an administrative oversight, many pages of specific requirements for <br /> these five planned development types were not incorporated into the UDO in any <br /> way. In fact, close to 15 pages of specific requirements were left out and this <br /> deletion was not visible as a change. In contrast, Planned Development for Mobile <br /> Home Parks was given its own conditional district (MHP-CZ) and 10 pages of <br />