Orange County NC Website
Target: April 5, 2011 BOCC meeting <br /> Included in May 4, 2011 Planning Board packet <br /> Consultant to Present Status Report to Planninq Board on March 2, 2011 <br /> Recommendation <br /> Perdita Holtz pointed out the substitute recommendation that the BOCC adopted at the <br /> beginning of the meeting. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked the County Attorney if he had a chance to review the entire <br /> ordinance and John Roberts said only part of it. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if he would read it before the adoption and John Roberts <br /> said yes. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> There were several citizens speaking from Orange County Voice (OCV). The comments <br /> are shown below: <br /> Bonnie Hauser thanked the County Commissioners for continuing this public hearing. <br /> Unified Development Ordinance <br /> Public Hearing: Feb 2gtn <br /> Speaker Comments <br /> Speaker 1: Introduction (Bonnie Hauser, OCV) <br /> Thank you for raising your concerns at the public hearing on November 22nd and for <br /> accepting public comment tonight. Several of us have worked together to prepare meaningful <br /> statements for you, the planning board and the planning department to consider. <br /> We support the county's goal to simplify our zoning ordinances and develop our <br /> economic development districts. We believe that the UDO and meaningful conditional zoning <br /> could help. <br /> Upon review of the ordinance, we realized that the most of planned development has <br /> been consolidated into a single conditional district that can "float" anywhere in the county. The <br /> district— MPD-CZ -- appears to be a good fit for the EDDs but can inadvertently encourage <br /> random sprawl and incompatible development in our rural communities. <br /> As currently defined, conditional districts open the door for industrial, intense commercial <br /> and other incompatible uses in the rural areas. <br /> We appreciate that this board is not likely to approve incompatible development— but a <br /> slight shift in board composition could change everything. Please consider how the shift in <br /> composition of the Chatham County Commissioners is affecting Chatham's development. <br /> Tonight, we will speak on a variety of issues including: <br /> Reinstating features in the ordinance that better align conditional uses to underlying land <br /> use, zoning and amenities. We are especially concerned that much of the guiding <br /> language for planned development was lost when the categories were consolidated into <br /> a single conditional zone MPD-CZ. <br /> Reinstating special use permits, at least until Small Area Plans and better defined <br /> conditional districts can be put into place <br /> Deferring changes to ordinances for wastewater treatment systems until phase 2 where they <br /> can be fully discussed <br />