Orange County NC Website
Mar 0~ 11 07;14p Alice Gordon 919-9G7W38~3 37 <br />I C, <br />elsewhere in this dacurnenY. <br />a. N~ ~ar~dit~ana! aistric ~n the Rural duffer <br />~anditional districts should not be allowed in the Rural Buffer. <br />fee at~achm~nt which provides Changes for referenced sections. Also change any <br />other sedans as needed #o modify the language. <br />b. ~a ~ondlt~+~na! districts M~ the watershed overlay !]istri~~. <br />Accardinglyy they should be prohibited in the university Lake and Cahe Creek <br />1I1~atersheds. The same issue is relevant far the'~pper ono area. <br />See the attachmen# which provides changes for referenced sectior~S. Also change <br />any other sections as needed to modify the language" <br />ce C+vndlt~onal Dist~c~ in Phase Z <br />if conditional districts bath Chas and the ~UQ} are to be discussed for the Rural <br />Buffer and Watersheds, change the language referencing the Rural Buffer to <br />specifically limit the uses. f~nly uses that are suitable far service with wells fvr <br />domestic water supply and ground absorption systems fvr sewage disposal are <br />allowed. In no circumstances should wastewater treatment facilities, except far <br />ground absorption systems, be allowed in the Rural Buffer. <br />~w ~h~~9`irs ~h~~ IlaM4 ~~IR~ ~~y~d~~ ~~ dl~~~Y~~ <br />Issue: f~einstate text from the original ordinances that went beyond BCC <br />directives. If than es are desired, they should ga into Phase 2. Two examples; <br />9 F ru <br />a. Restore the language specifying quarterly hearing dates far eb a~, <br />flay, August, November. <br />See the attachment which provides changes for referenced sections, Alsa change <br />any other sections as needed to reinstate the language. <br />b. Public Interest District should remain a general Ilse honing district. <br />See the attachment ~uhich provides changes for referenced sections. Also Change <br />any other sections as needed to reinstate the language. <br />~~ Land Use Categories and the ~omprehenslve Pin <br />izen Carnrnent: A citizen made the fallv~wing point about grange County which <br />Cat <br />is paraphrased below; <br />" i sue which n~a never have been pointed out is that our County has <br />pne big ~ y <br />xcellent and detailed Land use categories identified and approved Thereforet . . <br />e <br />rezanin should neat be a prerequisite for mast development acttv~r. And when ~t ,s <br />g <br />necessa it should only require small changes to the zoning designations, This <br />rY~ <br />'tizen went an to say that we da not need a lot of floating districts, and that it is <br />tterto utilize eneral use zoning districts which have been reviewed and <br />be g <br />approved after careful deliberation and community input. <br />This is most clearl ;Ilustrated in "Appendix F -Land use and caning Ma#rix" of the <br />Y <br />om rehensive Plan. Review that appendix to see haw to see how sand use <br />G p <br />cafe cries are ex licitly lined to the general zoning districts. <br />g p <br />