Orange County NC Website
34 <br />with respect to Conditional caning Districts, these floating coning districts can be placed in any <br />of the general use zoning districts, according to the regulations associated with each district. <br />Also, in contrast to the arigin~al Orange County zoning ordinance, no special use pcrn~it is <br />required, #hus eliminating the need for a quasi judicial process with a decision based an <br />con~petent~ substantial evidence presented at a public bearz~~g. <br />~~) Concerns related #a the Rural Buffer and the point Planning Agreement <br />Some of the proposed new language in the UDO changes essential features of the Rural Buffer <br />~RB~. Tl~ie original language in the existing ordinance specifies that development in the Rural <br />Buffer is far !ow densities and relies on ground absorption systems far sewage disposal, <br />l~owevery one of the prapased new development standards for the ~tB district would substitute <br />the term "wastewater treatment facility" and use that te~.n instead of the term "ground absorption <br />systems," for approved Cau.ditianal districts. <br />The def nitian of a wa.stevva#er treatment facility includes a system that discharges to surface <br />waters, and indeed any other system as nay be permit#ed by the Health Depa~ent or the State <br />of~orth Carolina, That is a signxfrcant difference, and the original language should be restored. <br />Conditional districts should not be allowed in the Rural Buffer. instead they should only be <br />placed. ~ the Economic Develapm,ent districts and other areas with specifically identified land <br />use categories s~ that they are compatible Frith the Comprehensive Flan and surrounding land <br />uses. <br />Concerns articulsted above are relevant to the watershed Overlay f?is#ricts, Accordingly the <br />conditional districts should be prohibited in the University Labe watershed Overlay I]istrict. In <br />addition, though outside tl~e scope of the Joint Planning Agreemen#, conditional districts should <br />be prohibited. in the Cane Creek and upper Bna Protected and Critical watershed Overlay <br />Districts. <br />BB lT Et~RTHER REOLVEr~ that the Chapel dill Town Co~tnci! asks the orange County <br />Board of Commissioners to look turther into the areas of concern. explained above, in order to <br />head affpassible consequences unintended by the Board; and <br />BE 1T p'l~.TI~~R RESOLED that, because of these concerns, it does not seem prudent to <br />adopt the UDO far the sections of the ordinance identified above until the prapased language is <br />clarif ed, or substantively changed where necessary, ~! some cases the orignna! language of the <br />existing ordinances should. simply be restored, <br />This the ~8t~ day of February, ~~I l . <br />