Orange County NC Website
33 <br />Additional Mat~riafs ~-council ~~~ition <br />~~~l~~~NC~ ~~~ ~]~N~~ C~~I~T~ ~Z~~ ~~~2-281~.w4.1~ <br />~~~T~~.EAS, the Chapel dill Town Council is can~mitted to uphaldin~ the stipn.latio~~s o#'the <br />Grange Cnunty-Chapel dill-Carrbox-a ~a~nt P~annin~ A,~•ee~nen~ ~.ipA~} an~~ ~o ~naintail~in~ the <br />integrity of tl~c Rr~ral l~uf~`er (RBA; and <br />wld~r~.E~.~, Grange County has proposed a Uni~Ced Develaprr~ent C~rdxnancc ~~J.C~~}, and a~ one <br />of the pa~~:ners to tl~e ,laznt plana~ing Ag~ree~~.ent, the Council may provide comments on the UDa <br />to the Or~.ngc Cc~u~~ty Board of Ca~nmissioncrsa a~~d <br />w~El?EA,~, the C.1~~ihcd Develol~Tnent ~rdinanCC has been described ~ a cansalidatiol~ o~ <br />se~cral Orange County ordinances, with na signi:~ca~~t changes in wording; and <br />wHEI~E,A~, nonetlaeless7 with the incarporatian of existing ardin.ances into the new 1JDQ, <br />important changes have been intracluced in the new ~~TDO, so that certain aspects remain unclear <br />as the dacnn~ent is 8~(~ pages and is not quickly understood.; and <br />wl IER~a,~~, the ma~ar concerns about tl~e proposed tJnihed Development C~rdi~~~.nce ~UD~~ are <br />~'acr~sed on rcvisio~7s that appea~~ to change the regulatory approach at~d the uses which were <br />estal~lashcd i~l the ax•aginal ordinances, in ways that are not concert with tl~e prc~visl4ns of the <br />Rural Suffer and other sections oftl~e point planning A~reenxent; and <br />w~lE.l~.l~1~S, it is impa~~tant to undcrsta~~d these ~aajar changes to the ~U.D{~} because they could <br />have an t~nintci~ded effect on the way deveiaprnent occurs in Orange County; <br />1~10'~v, 'l~l~~~Rl~r~~~, l~l~ YT I~~Olr,~r~D by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the <br />following areas have been identified as of particular conce~~ to the Chapel :bill Tawn Council, <br />~~~ Cal1C~I~l~ ~"~~~.~~~ ~4 "Condzt~4nal D1~t~iCt" ~~~~ <br />rl'h~s "floating ~oning d~stt~~ct" is a new canstr~ct far Ora~7gc County and it refers to a dastraCt that <br />is uat rnappcd u~~tzl a rezcrr~ing appllcatian is appravec~. This new CD distract replaces the <br />l~lanncd l~e~relot~~ncnt Distract in th:e current zoning ordinance. lr~owcver, the wo~-dii~g foi• the <br />new CD district leaves out important text frazx~ the ax•iginal ordi~~ance which spccif ally tics any <br />CD rezonYng to conformance with the underlying Comprehensive flan, including the la~~d use <br />categories in that plan. what is missing, for example, is language utilised in Che origit7al <br />ordinance that explicitly refers to protecting the character of surrounding ~eighborlxaods, <br />Zn the ~JI~O there are two binds of Conditional Districts proposed; "Conditional use Districts" <br />and "Conditional ~aning Districts." <br />The language for the Conditional use District states thata except for ~ 1 exclusions, any use <br />peri~~itted in the Table of permitted I~ses can ga almost a~aywhe:re in grange Cc~~tnty's planning <br />jl~risdictian. <br />