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a~~}~ ;' ~~o~ . <br />~~' ~~. <br />I ;~a. <br />``'pr ~;~?i~ <br />x3'i ,~b> <br /> <br />s e~ ti ~ <br />All of these ideas cannot be considered or pursued at once. Since both the <br />Comprehensive Plan and this Implementation Bridge offer numerous ideas, Orange <br />County needs a framework that gill allow the County to take action in a dynamic, <br />orderly, and timely fashion. orange County has a strong culture and tradition of <br />carefully and purposefully examining public policy proposals, Accordingly, this <br />Implementation Bridge concludes with suggestions for priorities and phasing for next <br />steps. All the ideas should be considered; but since all cannot be considered <br />simultaneously in ineffective andtime-~efficientmanner, identification of priority topics <br />would be useful. <br />There are two categories of topics to highlight: (1) Issues that repeatedly were raised in <br />public comments about Orange County's development regulations; and (2) Issues that <br />are particularly compelling ortime-sensitive. <br />It would be reasonable to construct a phased approach to pursuing amendments to the <br />new UDC, once it is adopted, based upon the two priority categories described above. <br />A preliminary list of prioritytopicsfollows, and it would be reasonable to schedule work <br />and consideration of these as amendments to the new UD4 as soon as possible <br />following adoption. Consideration of the balance of issues that have been raised should <br />take place as time and workloads permit, <br />1. Issues Repeatedly Raised During Consideration of the UDO <br />Ad'ust Pro osed Conditional Districts: The most common issue brought forward during <br />Board and citizen comments, and by the jurisdictions of Carrboro and Chapel {ill, was <br />concern about potential widespread use of Conditional Districts throughout the rural <br />portions of Orange County. Concerns were both about lack of restrictions on locations <br />for use of these districts, and about Planned Development language in the existing <br />Zoning Ordinance that was not carried over explicitly into the new UDC. Orange County <br />staff and Planning Board each responded to these concerns by proposing adjustments to <br />the UDQ to be included prior to final adoption, The Planning Board's recommendation <br />for approval of the UDC includes these adjustments. 1f the Board of commissioners <br />n~a~es these recommended adjustments in the UDO that is enacted, the issue is <br />addressed. If the Board of Commissioners decides that this issue needs f urther study <br />and adapts the UL~Q without these adjustments, consideration of the adjustments <br />should lead the list of next steps. <br />