Orange County NC Website
hand Use Goal-3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program and <br />pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes land use <br />conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced transportation system. <br />Services and Facilities Goal-1: Efficient provision of public water and sewer service <br />systems which are consistent with the hand Use Plan and which abide by the current <br />water and Sewer Management Planning Boundary Agreement, the existing Orange <br />county-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Joint Planning Agreement and .and Use Plan, and future <br />agreements to be negotiated among the County and public and private service <br />providers. <br />There was strong support during the process for further consideration of the <br />differentiation between suburban and rural areas, for review of what land uses are <br />permitted where, and consideration of design standards that are applied to new <br />development. <br />Suburban-Rural Edge Differentiation <br />^ i iiu i.r u~mnirwrui.~~~ <br />• Differentiate between suburban and rural character, and adjust regulations <br />relating to required features such as signing and transportation <br />improvements. <br />• Review and adjust notification requirements to make mare appropriate to <br />rural vs. suburban areas. ~E.g., rural rezonings may require larger areas of <br />notification.} <br />Uses <br />• . Rev~s~t Cond~t~onal District provisions to consider restr~ct~ng locations in <br />which they can be applied. <br />• Revisit home occupation rules. <br />• Exclude government ar municipal uses from residential zoning. <br />Stanr~arrlc <br />• Add back language about required findings that was formerly included far <br />Planned Developments in the existing Zoning ordinance. <br />Differentiate between urban and rural character for regulations such as <br />signage and subdivision standards. <br />• Review the full range of design standards that are currently included in the <br />UDC, to determine if adjustments would help to promote Countygoals and <br />objectives. Note: the Appendix contains 22 specific suggestions for review <br />of standards such as bui{ding height, lighting, signs, adult entertainment <br />uses, rand and driveway requirements, hours of operation, and airport <br />zoning. <br />