Orange County NC Website
~1~ °fi. <br />d< i <br />-,~r ~~ ~t <br />~~ ~~5.. <br />There was strong support during the process for consideration of incentives to <br />encourage economic activity and job creation of the type envisioned for Orange County, <br />and for increased attention to provisions relating to the County's Economic <br />Development Districts, <br />Incentives <br />• Streamline proceduresforEconomicDevelopment Districtsand commercial <br />development applications. Consider expedited processing for such <br />applications. <br />• Studywhatlocal private businesses need in orderto expand and thrive, and <br />consider what regulatory changes could contribute to that objective. <br />Economic Develo ment Districts <br />• Consider different standards for application within Economic <br />Development Districts to encourage commercial development. <br />• Create a predictable process for consideration of development <br />applications within Economic Development Districts. <br />• Develop regulatiansforRural Economic DevelapmentAreas. <br />sus to r e s <br />Ideas were offered during the UDD review process that suggest further attention to <br />what land uses are permitted where, to design standards. <br />Relevant Comprehensive Plan Provisions <br />1- I __-Il illlllllll-11111111i~l 111 A~.1..11.I.M11.1~ <br />Genera! land Use Gaal: Mixed-use is actively encouraged, and locations for new mixed- <br />use centers are being identified, providing live-work-shag opportunities that minimize <br />travel needs. <br />,Housing*Goal-1: A wide range of types and densities of quality hauling affordable to a!I <br />in al! parts of the County. <br />,Nousin,~ Goa[-4: Development ordinances and incentives that promote inclusionary <br />practices and housing options forall income levels. <br />land Use Goal-~: Land uses that are appropriate to onmsite environmental conditions <br />and features, and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, and community <br />character. <br />