Agenda - 04-05-2011 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-05-2011
Agenda - 04-05-2011 - 9a
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Last modified
8/3/2012 4:47:24 PM
Creation date
4/1/2011 11:45:33 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-05-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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C. IDEAS RAISED DURING THE <br />UDO PRt1CESS <br />Uvhen the Orange County Board of Commissioners initiated this UDD process, it was <br />made clear that the intent was to first coordinate, combine, and restructure the array <br />of existing ordinances. The objective was to eliminate redundancy, make the <br />ordinances mare user-friendly, incorporate recent changes in State enabling legislation, <br />and make minor adjustments. It was clear from the outset that there were many <br />objectives in the Comprehensive Plan that warranted consideration in the form of <br />ordinance changes, It was also expected that in the public review of a new draft UDa <br />there would be many ideas and suggestions for substantive changes offered by citizens <br />and advisory boards. Accordingly, arrangements were made early on to collect these <br />comments and ideas, and organize them into an "Implementation Bridge" at the end of <br />the UDn process. The key point was to not lose any of the ideas that would be offered. <br />That, as stated earlier, is the reason for preparation of this document: to organize the <br />collected comments that suggest UDD revisions so that the comments can be carefully <br />considered, with suggested priorities and anassessment oftime-sensitivity. <br />Following is a summary of the comments that were offered and presented during public <br />events and in individual correspondence, as communicated to the County by the public, <br />advisory board members, and Board of County Commissioners. This summary <br />categorizes and organizes comments by topic not in any priority order, and prefaced by <br />references to Comprehensive Plan goals. Ideas are summarized here. A fuller <br />description of the ideas and comments received is included in the Appendix to this <br />report, presented in the same order as appears here. There is na attempt in presenting <br />this list to evaluate the comments. <br />it 1 <br />Ideas were offered during the UDC review process that suggest adjustments to better <br />encourage economic development~related activity, <br />Relevant Com rehensive Plan Provisions <br />General Economic Develo ment Goal: The County seeks to attract and promote the <br />types of businesses suited to grange County, businesses that will provide jobs to local <br />residents and provide a more balanced revenue structure that relies Tess on the <br />generation of private property taxes. <br />
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