Orange County NC Website
~st~~`'E s..~r.$y~fi.... <br />Y. <br />of :Z <br />,~*r~ ~"b~4t~ <br />Parks and Recreation-3: Recreational facilities available far the public use in a manner <br />that is multi-generational and accessible to all County citizens at both the countywide <br />and community levels, <br />Parks and Recreation-4: Healthy lifestyles, quality of life and community building <br />through the provision of a variety of affordable recreational facilities and chaise of <br />leisure activities, while responding to the changing needs and interests of County <br />residents. <br />Parks and Recreation-5: Park and recreational facilities that are environmentally <br />responsible, and where cultural and natural resources and open space within these sites <br />are protected, <br />Services and Facilities Goals <br />Services and Facilities-1: Efficient provision of public water and sewer service systems <br />which are consistent with the Land Use Plan and which abide by the current water and <br />Sewer Management, Planning, and boundary Agreement, the existing Orange County- <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Jaint Planning Agreement and Land Use Plan, and future <br />agreements to be negotiated among the County and public and private service <br />providers. <br />Services and Facilities-2: Adequate, safe, and healthy groundwater withdrawal and <br />wastewater disposal systems with minimal impacts upon water and land resources. <br />Services and Facilities-3: High quality educational facilities that support our diverse and <br />growing population and present opportunities for life-long learning. <br />Services and Facilities-4: High quality library facilities that support our diverse and <br />growing population and present opportunitiesfor life-long learning. <br />Services and Facilities-5: Efficient and effective drainage, stormwater, floodplain <br />management, and erosion control systems. <br />Services and Facilities-6: less solid waste per capita with cast effective and <br />environmentallyresponsibledisposal and management. <br />Services and Facilities-7: Efficient and effective public safety including police, fire, <br />telecommunications, emergencyservices, and animal services. <br />